[Abandoned] deCONZ

Ok, did not know it is so easy :slight_smile: Just installed it and it works again. Thanks for your work! :slight_smile:

still have 1.16.0 but app stopped crashing

Most likely you did not even the rapaur and just wait until the poling recovers everything. This had to be done like that because homey will detect too high cpu usage if we would do all at one when the app starts

The problem was that i don’t no i heave to repair the devices… After repair evertyting work immediately :slight_smile:

Tonight all my devices are broken again

This the diagnostic report


Edit: The probles whas my raspberry, after a restart the Conbee whas back alive

Ffs, my pi1 died tonight. Doesn’t do anything anymore. Luckily managed to save the db. Just ordered a new pi4, 8gb and a ssd. Esx, here we come.

I’m still busy moving all of my zigbee devices one by one from Aqara/Innr/Hue apps to deCONZ (v1.16.2) but so far it’s been an excellent experience!
And it’s now so much easier to run Homey and Home Assistance in parallel too.
Thanks for this great app @MadMonkey :ok_hand:

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Does somebody know if the Heiman Siren is also supported? Want to use the Heiman smoke and co sensors but the sirens of these devices cannot be activated via a flow.

Currently it is not, but if it is properly supported by deconz I can easily support it. Can you pm me?

Kinda off-topic but is there a automated way to create a backup? The GUI option works but only manual as far as I can see.

How are you guys making backups? My pi died and it took me quite some time to get things up and running.

I back up all my Docker volumes every night (using Synology’s Hyper Backup).

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Yeah I’m running deconz on a pi. So that’s not an option :wink:

Still though, deCONZ saves its data somewhere ($HOME/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ perhaps). You could run a cronjob to back up that directory every night.

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I just do it manually. Keep in mind that daily backups are not necessary, you just need to backup when you deConz config changes, i.e adding or removing devices.

I had something in mind to support the backups from the app, I am just not sure where to store them (maybe on homey itself)

I’m running veeam agent to backup my intel nuc and Google snapshot add-in

Supporting the backups would be cool if you could set up a FTP / SMB connection. I know @Gruijter has implemented a solution to push to SMB and FTP in his Archive Insights app, maybe you could borrow some code from him?

Anyway, you are right with the backup not being a daily routine job, but in my experience I always loose some if not done daily.

Still a happy user of the scenes, they save a lot of Homey flows :smiley:.

And I was thinking of an additional feature in this area; what if you could have a THEN-card where you cycle the scenes? This allows regular buttons to simply toggle light on/off, but i.e. if you double press them, you can cycle to scenes; normal > vacuum bright > movie time > back to normal. This way it stays really simple/wife-proof and you don’t need really advanced buttons/interactions to make the most out of your scenes.

No idea if it makes sense to others as well, if it is possible to add it as a app-card or if you there’s an easier way doing this using existing cards. But am happy to hear everybody’s thoughts on this.

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+1 on this one
I have to say the app is already incredible and @MadMonkey 's support is incredible. Thanks so much for all your effort!

Request for support of “Duration” in Dim to…
If I may ask, since we’re already in the mood of improving this great app even more: is there any chance to support the “Duration” capability that other light apps have in the “Then…” “…Dim To” action? I am planning on migrating all my Hue lights to the deCONZ app, but the lack of a Duration (eg. dim my bedroom Hues to 100% on warm white over 60 minutes before my wake-up alarm every day) is making this a bit difficult.

Currently, I’m having to use the Phoscon App Schedule capability, for my bedroom test, but then that means doing logic in 2 different places, rather than having Homey work its magic.

Does anyone else think they would benefit from this enhancement?

There are a few options to do this without needing explicit support in the deCONZ Homey app (where it doesn’t belong, IMO):

  • using deCONZ scenes
  • using a specific Homey app like Chronograph or Transitions

Implementing this “Homey-side” may cause issues, especially with shorter durations/transitions, because Homey is not very good at sending commands to multiple devices at the same time. I would suggest offloading things like this to controllers that can handle this better (like deCONZ).

You can create a scene in deconz / phoscon for your bedroom group. You can fade that scene from 1 second to 60 minutes. Then use that scene in homey.