[App] Blink

Quick test of the latest app version and it seems to be working ok now. I could not do all combinations like I did previously yet.

A side question about the new behavior of the motion alarm. I have noticed that the motion alarm is triggered and then cleared maybe 5 seconds later. Is this expected? It seems a bit quick before it is cleared. Is there a guarantee that Homey will always manage to run a flow that reacts on the motion alarm?

This is the poll interval for new videos. Every new video will trigger the motion alarm once for its camera. All flows will start. The next poll is clearing all alarms and checks for new videos.
If you want to see the alarm for a longer time, you can.use the virtual device app. Create a virtual sensor with alarm-motion capability. Then activate tis virtual sensor in your flow. It will stay active until you clear it with another flow (triggered by a virtual button).
That’s how I keep the alarm for the post box until I took the mails out.

A suggestion if you want to use the motion alarm as alsrm system.
Just use the Heimdall app.
There you can activate all cameras, activate the security in Heimdall.
Is one of the cameras triggering motion, Heimdall will inform you and keeps its alarm active until you deactivate it.

I use that with motion sensors, but it’s working with all kind of devices which such alarm capabilities.

Cool, I will be trying out different things going forward. Thank you for the great new features added to the app!

An idea for new icons and device names.
Is this clear enough? I hope the icons will guide to the correct device.


English names would be

  • Blink camera
  • Blink Mini
  • Blink SyncModule

“Blink camera” is a generic name for Indoor and Outdoor, XT versions - or in other words “all square cameras”

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@ObelixNL: If you have some minutes, you could please check the icons above and the generic device names. If it’s ok for your, you can merge the pull request for a new test version.
Many thanks :slight_smile:

Hello @ObelixNL
any news about the merge of the latest pull request?
It would be nice if you could merge it into a new app version.

No motion detection
I use 4 current Blink outdoor cameras and a SyncModul2. The videos are recorded locally on the sync module, NOT in the cloud!
The Blink app is version 1.0.12
For hours I’ve been trying to find the error that no camera detects a motion trigger. After I created the umpteenth flow, I read the entire thread on the Blink app (248 messages). With the 166 message, RonnyW explains that the triggers are not triggered by the camera, but by a time stamp of the new video.

Since my cameras do not record a time stamp in the history (local storage of the videos on the sync module with USB flash memory), there is no trigger that I can use.
Thus, the motion alarm does NOT work when recording locally.

It would be nice if the app were changed here so that a motion alarm is also triggered when the videos are saved locally.

Hello Tregobda,
why so demanding? The app is working nice here. And for many people, too, it seems :grin:

First some technical basics…
The camera is recording locally (first inside the camera, the syncing with the Syncmodule).
The video details (timestamp, snapshot, reason…) are stored in teh cliud (I assume). That’s what you see in the Blink app when you check the messages.
The Homey app has no local access. It only communicates over the Blink cloud.
Homey → Blink cloud → SyncModule → camera

The Homey app is requesting a snapshot:

  • Request from Homey to Blink cloud
  • Request from Blink cloud to SyncModule
  • Request from SyncModule to camera
  • Snapshop created by camera
  • and the picture all the way back to Homey

With videos it’s the same:

  • video is recordes locally and detaisl are synced to the Blink cloud.
  • Homey retrieves the details from Blink cloud
  • on a new timestamp, a alert is raised in Homey for this camera.

So yes, the videos are stored locally, but the communication goes via Blink cloud.

Now to your problem.

  • Is your SyncModule armned in Blink app?
  • Is motion detection is activated for the camera?
  • Are you getting motion alerts from the Blink app?
  • The video must be recorded after a motion detection. A manually recorded video will not trigger a motion aler in Homey.
  • Are you able to switch the motion detection from Homey (switch camera in Homey on/off and the camera state should change in Blink app)?
  • Can you request a snapshot from Homey app?

Can you share your flow? The trigger should be “motion alert was triggered” (don’t know the exact description in english).

Please note, that the Blink cloud has some kind of access limit. So if you are using the Homey app to often, it could be that you are blocked from the cloud. The app can not retrieve new video timestamps or other data.
In that case, please wait a while (1 hour should be enough). I can’t give you details. I only recognized this behaviour while testing the app intensive.

So far the hints and questions. I hope I can guide you to a working alert.


Hello Ronny,
thank you very much for your detailed explanations. Your explanation of the data flow (video) then shows my problem directly.
Of course, Homey only accesses the Blink Cloud and not the local sync module, so the app doesn’t get the trigger data (time stamp, etc.)
You can understand that by briefly activating the cloud trial period. After that, there is an immediate motion trigger and an entry in the device history.
As soon as you log out of the cloud, it no longer works.

To your questions:
I can answer all questions with yes. Everything else works in the Blink app and also in Homey’s Blink app.
And yes, if there are too many requests to the cloud, the cloud blocks, but can be accessed again after a few minutes.

Since I first test the possibilities of the respective app before realizing a new Homey project (here the Blink Cameras), there are no flows so far.
The problem was noticed directly in the test flows, I tested all flow options:
The motion alarm turned on
Switch lamp on


Indoor camera is on
The motion alarm is on
Switch lamp on

I also tried using the parameter: alarm_motion from the Blink camera to set a virtual device (with motion flag capability).

Maybe you have an idea how I can notice the triggering of the video without a cloud and use it as a trigger. Maybe by querying another parameter of the Blink camera in Homey and setting a virtual device as a flag.

If my post was “too demanding”, I apologize. This was not my intention. And of course I know how much work goes into the apps and how many good apps like the Blink app exist on Homey. That’s exactly why I realized my smart home with Homey.

It would be nice if the description pointed out that the motion trigger only works with a cloud connection. But maybe it’s there somewhere and I’ve overlooked it?
Thank you for your help.

I never had a cloud subscription because it’s not needed with a SyncModule2.
What I meant with cloud access is your Blink login. The Homeay app is working with the same API like the Blink app. So if you are logged in in Blink app and logged in in Homey app, too, it should work in both systems.

Even without a cloud subscription, the cloud access is used to connect to your SyncModule2 and your camera. The videos are stored locally, but some data is stored in the cloud (like the video timestamps, the devices of your account).

The flow event “motion alert turned on” is the right one.
The state is requested every 3 seconds from Blink. If you trigger a motion (walking by the camera), the alarm icon in the device details should turn on for 3 seconds and the turn off again. Every further motion should activate this alarm again. You will get the the push info from the Blink app, too.

In addition you can check the capabilities of your camera in:
Enter the Homey device name of your camera in the search field.
You will find two field like that:

First ist the video timestamp (last motion) and second is the alarm_motion. Both should change if th eapp recognizes a updated motion timestamp from Blink.

Hi Ronny,

I did some tests again and examined the device (camera) more or less “online” in developer mode.

I can control the cameras (recordings, on-off, etc) from Homey > Blink

But there is no feedback of any data from Blink > Homey. It doesn’t return the alarm_motion, nor does the last_vid change or set on/off when I enable/disable camera motion detection in the original Blink app.
The problem persists even if I enable cloud storage.
Still no data from Blink > Homey.

I have the Blink app cpl. deleted in Homey, recreated the devices in the original Blink app, reconnected the Homey Blink app (2-step registration works without problems).
Didn’t change the problem, there is no data transfer from Blink > Homey.

I even gave the Blink Devices the option to use all ports in my Fritzbox (trying is smart) and it didn’t help.

Alexa works very well in terms of motion detection. The detection seems to work well here. So I would have a workaround for the problem via a flow as a favorite, which I “call up” with Alexa > if movement, then run favorites flow.
I just don’t understand that it works for you and for me only the one data direction Homey > Blink.
All 4 Blink cameras have this problem.

At the moment I have no Idea how to search for the reason of these problems. Locally at my PC I could try to debug the webservice calls. But such an extensive debug log is not implemented.

But one question regarding your tests:
How long did you wait after switching the motion detection for a camera in Blink app? The homey app retrieves the device data every 5 minutes. So at least after 5 minutes, the camera state should change (switched off if motion alert in Blink is switched off).
The temperature shoudl change, too. Can you see a new timestamp for that in the developer view?

Btw: Can you restart the app and then post the last_vid timestamp? And the local time when you dit it (including the timezone difference to UTC).
This value is initialized with the current time of Homey at app startup. If the Homey date/time is wrong, this could cause a not recognized new video timestamp if Homeys time is in the future.

Sorry if we have to approach in small steps.
We can continue this as PM to not spam this thread. Just write your answer as PM.

If someone else has a similar problem, please comment it here.

Thanks @Tregobad the reason of not working motion alerts is found.

Most users in Europe kepp the trial cloud access active. It’s not limited at this time because until now a subscription was not possible in Europe. Amazon states, it will keep active until July 2022. After that, you will need a subscription or you will have to use the sync module to store the videos.

So most users are using the cloud storage. The blink app is requesting the new videos (created by motion) via cloud storage API and is activating the motion alert if one is found.
Using the sync module without a cloud sunscription (at least trial), this will fail.
For getting the local videos directly from the sync module, another API call is needed.

The local video list has some limitations coparing to the cloud list. The source camera is only recognizable by it’s name. So please ensure, that each camera has a unique name in Blink.

I’m working on a solution, so please wait for a new comment if you have a similar issue.

Many thanks for your help and support.
Thats sounds good.
Looking forward for the new version.

Hello to all Blink users.

Some good news…
I worked the last days on a version with support for local video storage (SyncModule). And a new version is ready to publish.
In addition, the device update (Blink->Homey) is now set to 1 minute (instead of 5 minutes before).

I added the new version to the existing PR on Github. It would be nice if you could merge and publish a new test version. Many thanks.

And now the details and the bad news…
The app is reading the subscription information from Blink. If at least one subscsription is found, the app is reading the video list from the Blink cloud. A new video (recorded by PIR) will activate the motion alert for this camera. This cloud access is set to 5 seconds and is very instant. It seems that the video is visible for Homey on start of recording. So you have a good change to get the motion alert in a period of 5 seconds.
If no subscription is found, the app is requesting the video list from each sync module. But therefore more API calls are needed. To avoid blocks by Blink, the period is set to 10 seconds.
And a new video is visible only after the recording is completed. So if you have set the recording time to 30 seconds and if you add the request period, you will get the motion alers 30 to 40 seconds after it appeared.
So you will not be able to react directly on a motion. You will only get a delayed alert.
If you need an instant motion alert, you should use a Blink subscription. The Amazon product page shows an end of the free trial at July 2022. So your have some months to decide.

I could only test with one sync module. More sync modules will need more API calls. This could force an API block by Sync. If you see that changes in Homey app (activation/deactivation of a camera) is not pushed to Blink and backwards, then you are blocked for momem minutes.
Please report such situations and provide your amount of sync modules.

Feel free to ask if you have question regarding the technical background and the implementation in this app.

Hello @ObelixNL
will you continue the app development for Blink? It seems you have no time to support this app?
I would like to offer to continue the development. If you agree, you can transfer the app to my account.
This way I can continue app development, provide test versions and give some support - and perhaps a SDK3 version.
Please give me a feedback. Many thanks.

Hello Ronny,
Has Obelix got in touch and will there be a new version based on your update on Github in the near future?
Since you put a lot of work into making the alerting work, the update should be available.

No response. Neither information about including the pull request nor about transferring the app :man_shrugging:

Maybe ask Athom to try and contact him as they mighty have his email address. They helped me get in touch with the Somfy dev under the same situation.