[App][Pro] ESP Easy (Firmware for ESP32, NodeMCU, Wemos...)

I don’t support lux devices yet. You can find out what plugins are supported and how you can help to get support for more devices here: Supported devices · Joolee/nl.joolee.homey.espeasy Wiki · GitHub

Unfortunately, I’m currently remodeling my house and don’t exactly have an office to program in. Using my phone for the past few weeks :sweat_smile:

Thank you!

Good look with remodelling your house :slight_smile:

I’ll have a look how I can help.

Really liking the idea of this app! Easier to use than Homeyduino imo.
I’ve tried pairing a device and played around some with it and it works great.
“Unfortunately” I ended up having to use ESPHome (I really don’t like YAML! :joy:) through Home Assistant and then in to Homey because I couldn’t figure out a way to copy raw IR signals and then playing them back with ESPEasy.
If copying raw IR with ESPEasy and using with Homey could be achieved it would be an amazing and cheap alternative to Broadlink!

I am having problems installing a second ESP device,

i configured it completly like the first one. except of the name and unit number.

But in homey i cant find the unit nor the IP adres of the unit… The controller settings are identical and in the ESP unit i can see that the controller has been found

Did i mis something?

kind regards,

The listing in ESP Easy doesn’t say that it has found Homey, just that the controller is enabled. Did you configure the URL correctly in the controller settings page?

Could you file a bugreport at Github with the necessary information? You can find a how-to on the wiki: Get new device supported · Joolee/nl.joolee.homey.espeasy Wiki · GitHub

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Released a new version to testing today;

New functionality:

  • Improved some faulty and missing translations
  • Added ‘invert’ setting to ‘Switch input’ type devices
  • Added flow triggers for all custom capabilities
  • New flow trigger cards for new gasses capabilities
  • New flow action cards for Tone, RTTTL and pulse type GPIO devices
  • New flow action cards for Unit devices
  • New flow trigger cards when detected Unit reboot and reconnect (to Wifi)


  • Hide invisible capabilities from selection list
  • Fix DHCP warning message on Unit pairing page (logic was flipped)
  • Improved online/offline handling for newly aded Unit devices

I hope to get around to actually adding support for new devices soon. This goes fastest when you collect all necessary information in a bugreport on Github!

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Yes its a flush copy past from the other device… But i left it aside for some time and now it seems to work… (;device 1 is not powered now!)

Homey can only see the ESP board when it sends messages to it. If you don’t have a ‘system’ device that sends a message every minute, you need to wait until a device that is connected updates it’s status or just enter the IP information manually.

Great work @Joolee! Any chance you can include input Position - HC-SR04 ?

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Hi. I have three temp sensors (DS18B2) connected to ESP and they report to Homey. I get graphs and everything. Every now and then, it seems like homey looses connection to ESP. ESP is still fetching temperature readings, but they are not transfered to Homey. In homey I get read triangles saying “waiting for unit”. Red lines in the image below indicates when the connection is lost. Connection is restored when I manually reboots ESP. Device values are updating even when connection to homey is lost.

From ESP log after the “connection” is lost:

03778858: HTTP : C008 connection failed (1125/0)
3779102: HTTP : C008 connection failed (1126/0)
3779349: HTTP : C008 connection failed (1127/0)
3779593: HTTP : C008 connection failed (1128/0)
3779842: HTTP : C008 connection failed (1129/0)
3781996: DS : Temperature: 27.25 (28-4d-18-c2-07-00-00-27 [DS18B20])
3782033: WD : Uptime 63 ConnectFailures 1129 FreeMem 16120 WiFiStatus WL_CONNECTED 3 ESPeasy internal wifi status: Conn. IP Init
3782275: HTTP : C008 connection failed (1130/0)
3782355: EVENT: Temp_1Tur#temperature=27.25
3782607: HTTP : C008 connection failed (1131/0)
3782856: HTTP : C008 connection failed (1132/0)
3783101: HTTP : C008 connection failed (1133/0)
3783349: HTTP : C008 connection failed (1134/0)
3783594: HTTP : C008 connection failed (1135/0)
3783843: HTTP : C008 connection failed (1136/0)
3784088: HTTP : C008 connection failed (1137/0)
3784334: HTTP : C008 connection failed (1138/0)
3784650: HTTP : C008 connection failed (1139/0)
3784898: HTTP : C008 connection failed (1140/0)
3811981: WD : Uptime 64 ConnectFailures 1140 FreeMem 16632 WiFiStatus WL_CONNECTED 3 ESPeasy internal wifi status: Conn. IP Init
3813425: EVENT: Clock#Time=Thu,16:38

Any suggestions?

My configs:
Build: [ESP_Easy_mega_20211105_normal_ESP8266_4M1M Nov 5 202]

These lines

3782033: WD : Uptime 63 ConnectFailures 1129 FreeMem 16120 WiFiStatus WL_CONNECTED 3 ESPeasy internal wifi status: Conn. IP Init
3782275: HTTP : C008 connection failed (1130/0)

Say the ESP has wifi issues.
In this line it says failed connecting to wifi 1129 times!
Wifi is connected but it’s unable to get an IP address (it was in IP initialization).

@Robin_van_Kekem. Thanks for the troubleshootin. But how can the ESP not have IP address when I are able to connect to the ESP with as shown? Or is the connection problem between Homey and router?

Are you sure it’s related to WiFi and not to the controller connection? A quick look at the ESP Easy code suggests the latter (or at least that failure to connect to the controller also increases ConnectFailures).

If you want to debug where it goes wrong, you could try to set up a simple webserver on your network and configure it as a controller in your ESP. You can check those logs to find out if it stops receiving updates. If you go really fancy, you could configure it as a proxy between ESP and Homey.

The creator himself🙂. Yes… I could but i believe that would be over my head. I noticed that if i disabled two out if three sensors. I noticed that homey recieved data for 12h. Not sure if that info is worth anything.

That really sounds like something going wrong on the ESP. Homey marking the complete unit as offline (which it seems to do) happens when it can’t fetch http://<unit ip>/json more then 5 times in a row or fails to parse it.
Can you check if you can reach that url when the ESP goes offline? If so, can you send me a crash report from the app settings page and the json result page?

The ESP is new and flashet yesterday. But I have flashed another new ESP just now and will try the same setup with that one.

All working now with the newly flashed ESP. I dont know what was wrong with the other one. If you are still interested @Joolee I will try to get the info you requested from the other ESP.

weel, I was a bit quick with the latest message.
It is not working with the newly flashed ESP. I’ve been following the tracking all day and I noticed one time that ESP lost connection but manage to restore it within some minuts. Now the connection between ESP and Homey is lost (or at least it is not logging to Homey). ESP is however connected to router, but is not accessible through web-page.