[APP][Pro] Eufy Security

Disable Enable is turning the camera on or off. Doesn’t have anything to do with precense.

I know, Martijn. I meant to say with it, you can choose to disable the cam when someone is at home for instance. But you can also choose to disable it at 2:43 PM, or when the sun rises.
I hope this is more clear?:wink:

Yes that’s what Homey flows can do :wink:

I see… so there is no card to start the alarm sound from a camera.

@mattrix If you mean when motion is detected the alarm should sound you can use the Homebase trigger alarm card.
But if you can share a flow it would make more sense what you’re trying to do

Sorry for the late reply, was away for work for a couple of days. There isn’t really an "always on " RTSP stream, but there seem to be 2 ways to record (or view in VLC), the first one is pretty easy, but also has a limit in the number of streams you start every hour (and will disconnect every 3 minutes). For this way we use the Eufy online environment, @martijnpoppen has a flowcard to show the stream URL and you can us that in vlc (after a stream is started and within 3 minutes of starting the stream, and you also have a start stream card to do that, or just trigger the motion sensor on the doorbell itself).

The URL will look like this: rtmp://p2p-vir-8.eufylife.com/hls/CODE?time=1627247928&token=TOKEN
(CODE and TOKEN will have your data ofcourse). You can remove everything after the ? in this case so you can always use the same url to watch the stream (yeah it works without the time and token).

The other solution is a bit more work, what i did is setup a PI with ioBroker, in that way you can use an internal IP, so you can trigger it more often without getting a 1 hour ban from the eufy cloud. Then just make sure you trigger the camera a few seconds before the recording time runs out (you can set the recording time in ioBroker, but max is around 10 minutes). Restarting the stream after that causes about a 1 second gap in my NAS recorder, so it ain’t perfect, but currently the best solution for now.

More info about ioBroker and the eufy plugin can be found here

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Any Idea when homey will be able to send me an image from the eufy pan and tilt 1080p indoor camera? I get the standaard advertising image frome the homey flow, or did I not set up eufy properly? Kind regards

Restart eufy app

Please check the FAQ Q3.

New app update (test: 2.7.5):


  • FIX: images not updating after adding a device
  • FIX: double image on added
  • FIX: update Hubs after adding a device. (for stand-alone devices)

CC: @RobbertV

Martijn kan ik de eufy keypad al koppelen aan de homey? Dus als ik als gebruiker via de keypad instel dat het alarm actief moet homey (heimdal) ook actief wordt?

Hi @Yosh
Yes this is possible. But you have to use the card from the Homebase.
So the " Beveiligingsmodus gewijzigd" card.
Based on that you can trigger Heimdall.

PS: this is the English section of the community :wink:

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3 questions…

I see that I should use 2 different accounts. One for theEufy app on my phone, and 1 to use with the homey app. However, I am only using 1 account, and so far (for 2 weeks now) it is working fine with using the same account for both apps. Am I missing something?

I was trying to connect my Eufy doorbell and camnera with google home, but I have to enable F2A for this… Is there a workaround to use Eufy with both Homey and Google home?

In Homey, the alarms when someone presses the doorbell is working fine, however, motion is not working… Any idea?


Hey @Marcel_Visser ,

No you’re not missing anything. You might get logged out. But it can also work together. That’s why it’s advised to use different accounts.

2FA is on my list. But not yet possible. It would be possible if you use 2 accounts. The default one with 2FA and the Homey account without 2FA.

For motion check [APP] Eufy Security - #4 by martijnpoppen Q1. Most of the Times this is because of the Security mode.

Hope this helps!

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Great! I will create an extra account than! Thanks for your support.

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New app update (live: 2.8.0):


  • FIX: images not updating after adding a device
  • FIX: double image on added
  • FIX: update Hubs after adding a device. (for stand-alone devices)
  • NEW: add device filter for pairing new devices - prevent wrong driver match

New app update (live: 2.8.1):


  • FIX: device filter for homebase devices

New app update (test: 2.9.0):


  • NEW: add HLS stream card. (Compatible with Chromecast)

Example flow with 2K Doorbell:
TIP: Use Chromecast Cast Website instead of Video

Too many stream attempts might lock you out by Eufy! (Blocked accounts will be unlocked within 12-24 hours)


For some reason casting to a Google / Nest Hub doesn’t seem to work, trying to figure out why this is at the moment


Nest Hub and Chromecast on my tv both show a turning Homey logo.