[APP][Pro] Google Services - App for Translate and new Text-to-Speech for any device with url input

Neh, i am using google hub and mini’s. But… when i wanted to test for making the screen and respons, in the living room today, it worked…
So, i changed the settings for the hub to that of the living room… and i am totally flabbergasted, but it is all fine now…

I really don’t understand… suddenly a lot of issues i had (pretty big ones) are solved this week (without updating)… so again… no problem here anymore :slight_smile:

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Great to hear that Edgar!

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I wish that I could make this work, I have tried alot of things but cant find out what I´am doing whong.

When I test the flows that you can se under her, then it looks like its working but nothing is coming out of my spearkers. Maybe it is me that dos not understand the flow or is there somthing going whong on my google cloud service, i really dont know.

I really hope that someone can point me in the right direction, becuse this is a function that I would love to have op running. :slight_smile:

I got it working, but I dont seem to understand how the url tag works, when I test it it seems like one needs to have google tts device for every single thing I whant a speaker to say. can that be right ore what iám I doing whong. :slight_smile:

Okay I have now setup some induvidual flows that say deferent things on my google home speaker, but my problem id that when i have run one flow that says like “Helle world”, then when i trigger deferent flow a bit later then it will repeat the tts that was last used, but if I run the second flow again then it will play the right one. I have know ider what to do about this.

I just whant it to stop repeating the last tts url when running the next one. Is ther a way to clear the url each time it has been run, that maybe could solve th problem ?

You can place the URL in a Text Variable: and place the Tag of this variable in the Then flowcard:
translation: Cast een geluids URL = Cast an audio URL

Hey Dalle,

Keep in mind that the URL is not fixed! The Url will change everytime the speech-text (or settings) are different.
So just put the Url tag into the Cast an audio URL like JPe4619 showed, and every time you start a speech you should hear the correct text.

Thanks but I have tried exactly what you have described, but It still seems to repeat the tts that it has used.
Like when the door is open for over 1 min. it will say “The door is open” and when I then turn off a sensor it should say “the sensor is off” but if the last run action is feks. “the door is open” when I turn of the sensor it will say “The door is open” if I then turn off the sensor ones more, then it will say “the sensor is off” so it seems like it always starts with saying the last used tts, before it will us the right tts. Hmmme weird.

Here is a more visual way to se what Iam doing.
The først flow is my kitchen speaker, if I start runing the thirst flow then it will say the message then if i try the second flow it will say what ever it was in the thirst flow, but if I run the second flow ones more, then it will say what is in the second flow, and that will just keep on if I chose anouther tts.

Are you using the local Url TAG or the url as device property?

I´am using the URL tag that is under the “google cloud device” that I have added to use with my kitchen speaker, and I can se after it has run it has a lokal url, but I can´t see any outher options then that url tag to use with the google cloud device named “køkken google home”.

I think I have got it working by using the stanard url tag instead of the one that is under the google cloud device. :slight_smile: but it looks like the standard Url tag is also local, so I don’t know why it works with that tag and not the one from the google cloud device. :blush:

Because its a bug (apparently) that i will fix :wink:

Great thanks again, and good work wtih the app. Right now it is my favorit and it funktions very well. :slight_smile:

Is it possible for example if I am lessening to a radio channel on my Google Home, and then I get a announcement from Google TTS and after the announcement I would like it to go back to what ever I was hearing on my google home, and with the same volume.
That would be great, if someone knows how this could be done.

Last week my homey broke.
After muying a new Homey and restored a backup Google Speech doesn’t work anymore.
A have made a new Json file and copied in the settings part.
But i can not select a general voice.

My json file looks like this. Of course this is a a just file for security

“type”: “service_account”,
“project_id”: “homey-305222”,
“private_key_id”: “2261dc63ba7f132905e27597249c9bef3bd1c073”,
“private_key”: “-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\nwpxbYa9ClyPaTGMSILpM9is=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n”,
“client_email”: “homey-speech@homey-305222.iam.gserviceaccount.com”,
“client_id”: “100463898696596371701”,
“auth_uri”: “Sign in - Google Accounts”,
“token_uri”: “https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token”,
“auth_provider_x509_cert_url”: “https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs”,
“client_x509_cert_url”: “https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/homey-speech%40homey-305222.iam.gserviceaccount.com

I already found the problem. Apps needs reboot after the new credentials

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I can still smell trouble here :rofl:

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After my homey broke i have to configure the cloud text to speech again.
I have entered the JSON, but now i can’t select a voice for speech?
Anyone who knows how to solve this?

Did you try a restart of the google app after setting the json file?

I did restart the app.
There is an error i get about the JSON i entered