[APP][Pro] Harmony Hub (v2.0.7)

Hi Roy,
The reason for choosing Homey was exactly to not run all kinds of mini servers.
Reading the purpose of H SPAN it looks really handy. It provides as well a mechanism to finally see what Harmony is doing in detail. Installed it for now locally on my desktop and :8060 provides me already connection.
So if you have some examples to enter here please do share.


Would love to see in run in Docker on my Synology NAS!

Its an interesting topic have no problem to continue it here.

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Just follow the instructions on Github. Even for Newbees like me there are clear instructions how to set this up. The example used is for qnap device but on my Synology NAS installed without any errors. Just add via the app menu on your NAS: node.js (it comes with NPM) and git server.

Open a terminal session to your NAS (eg. with PuTTY) and finish the setup with: “git clone https://github.com/AShifter/harmony-span.git”. For a terminal session you need to accept telnet on your NAS first via config / terminal&SNMP.


How do figure out the API call? Like to act on starting after an Harmony activity to switch on HUE smart plug.
Sorry - have to add the Harmony device first

Hi Roy,

Created an activity “Watch TV” where the Harmony Span (Roku stick) is included.
With starting the activity “Watch TV” want to add an additional step:
Start HUE smart plug x.
What is the text/command to assign that to a button via the config UI (API call, get … ?)
Then I can add that button (e.g. play) as additional step in the start of that activity.

When I get this working then I can play around with some more activities, possibilities etc. The first one is always difficult.


Hi Roy,

That was a nice puzzle, did some additional googling since I made all the newbee errors;

  • the webhook data is case sensitive
  • the athom ID differs from the homey id (the one with dashes)

But now working!
Harmony Span (as Roku device) calls GET : https://myathomid.connect.athom.com/api/manager/logic/webhook/Sub5?tag=on [eg. play button]
https://myathomid.connect.athom.com/api/manager/logic/webhook/Sub5?tag=off [eg. stop button]

Two flows in Homey (only one shown here):

Thanks for your support!
As well thanks to Niels de Klerk for the Simple LOG app.


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Hi all, the app works perfectly for me but…
I have issues with the navigation arrows in homey. Homey triggers the arrows multiple times in stead of just once. In the flow, it wrote ‘repeat 0 times’.
Any way to solve this?

What I want this card to do is… When I press the button, press that button once.

Noob here, need some help setting Harmony-Span up on my Syno.

I followed all the instructions and got no errors installing on my NAS. Now I would like to access the Harmony-Span setup page. It states it is located at the IP of my NAS, but with port 8060.

That opens a XML page and states:

Where is the setup page? Or am I missing something?

I see I have to add /config to the URL.
Unfortunately, now I can’t even access the earlier visible XML page.

Coffee first :wink:

I have not added anything to my Harmony setup yet.

If you can’t find the page when browsing to the url (with /config) then the node server is offline, that will happen if you close the ssh client (with the script running) for example, without loading it, either on reboot, or with another method so it runs in the background with something like “forever” npm.

PS: secretly wishing this will be added into the app, as it is based node.js :innocent:, but I think ssdp isn’t available in Homey.

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Hi, followed as well all the steps and got it working on port 8060 as instructed.
Created a task on the Synology with next:

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I will try to check this weekend if I can find a way to reproduce this behavior on my side to prepare a fix.

Oh sorry, forgot to post that it has already been fixed. Thanks a lot for the good intentions anyway!
I had to change settings inside the hub! Somehow it only occurred with the arrow buttons


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I read most of this page but it’s a pain in the ass to get my hub working. Can someone in dutch please help me out?
How do i get my activitys in homey? It doesnt see them
How can i tell through GH to put on my television
How can i turn that off
I really cant get my head on it… ;-(

that was easy haha. But did not found that option. did not look in the app itself. Thank you


Hi Roy,

I got the same problem. I did what you told and now I see the activities indeed in my device Tab. The only problem is still that I cannot see them in my Flow Cards when I want to start an activity that has been defined in my device Tab

I already did what you suggested. The problem is that I can find my HUB in the Start Activity Card, but then in the second choice it doesn’t show my activities.

When i had smarthings i could link smarthings and harmony so all the devices also could be seen in harmony.
With this i could use different button’s to do different things, but i can’t seem to link them.

Any one knows if this is possible?

If you can make Logitech add Homey as “home automation”, then yes that is possible, though not something we can add.

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