[APP][Pro] Homewizard 🧙‍♂️

Ik moet dit in de code toevoegen. Maar dan moet ik alle losstaande sensoren toevoegen in de app.json en dat gaat een klusje worden.

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Als ik ergens bij kan helpen, laat maar weten.
Dan help ik Googlen welke batterijen waar in zit :smile:

Hi Jeroen, I read that you put on your wish list to add the XQ-lite 868Mhz to homewizard app. Does it still take long to do that? Or else I have to replace 5 lights with Ikea lights. As new user of Homey I could connect everything accept these light. hope to hear from you soon?

Sorry not sure. My Homewizard is a bit dying at home (wifi issues) and I lack the XQ-lite bulb to develop against so not an easy request at the moment to add these bulbs. It is on the wish list because Homey doesn’t support them. The whole 868Mhz spectrum is locked to Homewizard (hence the thermometers only work with Homewizard directly). The issue is thermometers are one way. The XQ-lite light bulbs are both ways (get/set) and dimable. But if you have spare time yourself you can add them to the code and I can merge it for you (see first topic).


Hi Jeroen, thanks for your answer.
But how do I add the XQ-lite to the code? so you can merge them?

regards Paul,

Hi, well if you don’t know then I am afraid it will be difficult for you. :frowning:

Hi Jeroen, i know what the codes are of all my lamps, smoke detector an water detector still connected to my home wizard.
Please would you merge them to my homey?

TV lamp E8790600FF855387
Ganglamp FED30B0018359939
Hallamp 50E00200FF732509
Bedlamp 4EA4040018A63292
Rookmelder 800024ED
Waterdetectie 00002057

best regards Paul

Hoi Jeroen,

ik weet niet of onderstaand bericht je heeft bereikt, en of je met deze informatie de apparaten kan koppelen aan mijn Homey?

laat even weten,

groet Paul

Hallo Paul,

Bericht heeft mij bereikt maar ik kan er niets mee. Wat ik probeerde duidelijk te maken is dat er in de app javacode/nodejs geprogrameerd moet worden voor de lampen. Rookmelder en waterdetectie werken al. Lampen ondersteuning is dus een ander verhaal.


Hallo Jeroen,

dat het voor de lampen anders werkt, heb ik uit de topic discussie meegekregen. Maar je opmerking " But if you have spare time yourself you can add them to the code and I can merge it for you (see first topic)" Is mij nog steeds niet helemaal duidelijk. De lampen zijn nu net als de rookmelder en watermelder verbonden met de homewizard en daardoor zichtbaar voor de homey. Maar bovenstaande opmerking over samenvoegen (mergen) gaf bij mij de verwachting dat je de lampen er handmatig aan toe ging voegen op basis van de verstrekte code? Deze verwachting was dus niet helemaal juist?

groet Paul

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(to keep moderators happy response in english)

Correct, that is a wrong assumption.
With merge I mean javascript/nodejs merge (pull request in Github)

Source code is here:

The code lacks the light-bulb driver support for Homewizard which is a bidirectional communnication with Homey/Homewizard which it doesnt have (yet).
Due to COVID/corona I barely have free time or energy to work on it except for quick bug fixes. Adding this new driver code takes time.

New beta release for better connection handling (timeout issues when Homewizard has bad connection and errors with socket hangup or failure). In these cases the JSON payload is wrong as well and makes the app increase in memory. Hopefully with the AbortController npm it will work better.

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Let’s hope so, not sure if it’s related. But the app increases a lot in memory every day. Let’s see if it’s now less or is it unrelated?

@rvdeijk Which version are you one and can you sent me your diagnostic report?
It is in app settings where you can restart the application.
It will sent an email with the logs to me so I can understand why it fills up.

I think I had 1.1.12, not sure. I updated to 1.1.16
Diagnostic report: d030e029-1443-4e90-964a-e62cf1823980

Can it be related that 2 temperature sensors (868mhz) have low/empty batteries. That it tries to connect or it logs a lot. Not sure, just guessing :slight_smile:

@rvdeijk Thanks for your log you are on 1.1.16 so that is one.
What I also see is a lot of timeouts between Homey and Homewizard:
" message: 'Response timeout while trying to fetch…" which is a 5000ms (5 sec).
Also with the result that the body is not there hinting:

“ReferenceError: body is not defined
at /includes/homewizard.js:123:54
at async Object.module.exports.homewizard.call (/includes/homewizard.js:99:26)”

So in short you have a wifi connection issue with Homewizard dropping/causing timeout issues.
When even a timeout of 5000ms would also make the every 10 seconds poll and issue and to me this is a reason for high memory usage.

My word of advise is to see if you can improve the wifi with Homewizard (move the unit elsewhere with hopefully better reception. Further what you can do is grab the latest version, (source code) increase the polling from 10 to 20s and install it via CLI. Or I can provide you one that already has the increase polling cycle. I am working on a version where you can adjust it in the settings rather than it is hard coded.

Yes but I was on 1.1.12. I updated to 1.1.16 when I made the post with the screenshots.

Hmm okay. Thanks for notice. The weird part is, that homewizard is 20 cm hanging above the router (rt-ax88u). So maybe It’s too close :thinking: and have to place it a bit further away :laughing:

Yeah 20cm can be an issue. :slight_smile: Mine is about 3 meters away from the AP (Ubiquity).
This is my memory log (higher numbers are upon start a new version/developing).

I have the router and all network devices (switch, connexoon), under the stairs (middle of the house). All is wired, except homewizard. I will try to find a better spot. Is 1m far enough?

Homey is in my living room. Same weird choice as Homewizard, to not have a proper RJ45 connection. Who made those weird decisions, to have a home controlling unit that relies on wifi, especially the crowded 2.4GHz…