[App][Pro] Micro Web Server

Pro users really should know about such actually :smiley: but thanks for the hint. Also if the local name resolution is not working then there is most likely an issue with your router. That just on a side note.

Hey Sakesbeard, the FTP Client is in the Store now!
And it works great with your FTP Server!


I can’t get this to work. I’ve downloaded FileZilla on to my Mac, connected with the IP left user and password blank (or with anonymous) and I can see that there is no files and when I try to add a file it says that I do not have permission.

I’m using the pro 2023.

Is that the issue?

This might be a bug. I got the feeling that they have changed how the userdata folder is handled again.
I need to investigate this.

Yeah, same issue here, indeed something todo with the userdata location.

The ftp should now work again for both Homey Pro generations as soon as you get the v2.0.6 update.

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Awesome idea this here, for hosting audio files and keeping it all on the local network. And it works!

I have been back and fourth many times now. A few setbacks, but then I got in using Filezilla and uploaded files. Then a few more setbacks, but then I got the file playing in the browser (at http://…mp3) as if it was on the web.

But no matter if I use cast audio URL or cast website in a flow, it won’t play on my Google Home. This has been mentioned a few times in the thread. Does anyone have a workaround?

(I can cast my tab, when opened in Chrome, to the Google Home, so the file is playable)

Edit: Did a simple test just now. Successfully casted an mp3 from web, downloaded the file, uploaded to MWS. Replaced the URL in flow. Doesn’t work. Google Home plings twice, then nothing. :tired_face:

Edit2: Working. I locked my Homey’s IP address, and used the URL (http://[IP]:[port]/file.mp3) with Cast website. Cast website isn’t recognized as playback, so the play/pause isn’t working as usual, but will look into it further.

Did you already solve the problem?
Here also a mp3 (“cast website” in a flow), won’t play on my Google mini speaker. The Google speaker plings twice, then nothing.
It seems not to be a problem of the Micro Server. A direct weblink to a MP3 with “cast website” won’t even play.

Who have the solution?
(Homey Pro 2023)

No, at the moment I host the file on my web server, and cast it from there. Works fine. Have to restart the Chromecast app every few weeks if it starts failing.

Sent email to dev a while ago, he might be on vacation still.

Quite a weird issue.
What I can tell for certain is that it worked as sound file playback long ago. It broke at some point when the chromecast app got updated. After that it only worked when using play as website.
I have never found out why it broke. But I might touch up the app with some maintenance update this winter. If I find the time I will look into this issue again.

Update Time!

v2.1.1 is about to be released, introducing advanced trigger functionality to support GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and PATCH requests on your local network. It also brings in a special advanced flow card to easily access the individual data fields of your payload.


Update Time

v2.2.0 is rolling out. This is just a minor but yet powerful update. The data retrieval flowcard for advanced webhooks now also supports array access.

Really nice App. But how do I make it play the file only 1 time?
When I cast a Sonos URL, it plays in a loop over and over. When I used Google TTS, you could hear music on the speaker, it paused when there was a TTS and resumed the music after it was played.

That highly depends on how your playback device works. This app only stores and serves files. There is no logic for the playback in place.