[APP][PRO] Samsung Wireless Audio Multiroom

i have some strange problems since homey update to version 6.

The power off option seems not to be working anymore or when it works with a huge delay.

The other commands (source, volume etc) work fine/ normal, only the power function not.

The result is some flows do not work and when that the sound bar turns itself ON again when turned on by remote (reported a while a go).

I fixed that issue when my harmony remote turns everything OFF (and homey detects this) i also gave power down via this app (so soundbar stays off), when i do not do this then for unknown reasons the soundbar is turned on again by the app, as long until you turn it off by the app also.
But when used in a flow then the power state is NOT detected anymore since homey v6.0.

Hopefully this can be fixed soon.

Is there a way to just force a device being made, it says it doesnt find a system on my ip but when i surf to:<name>SetFunc</name><p%20type="str"%20name="function"%20val="hdmi1"/>


it changes input so something must work right…

  • I Deleted the app an reinstalled … all fine now! –

anyone testet the “play URL Audio” function?

i tried it but it dont work on my homey. (Not Pro)
every Else works!

nice App!


Is it possible to add samsung soundbar Q700A?

It will not work when I add those at the manual way.


V. 1.0.1 with SDK3, ready for **Homey Pro (Early 2023).

Click on this link to install the test-version:

Please test.

Since a couple of weeks i get the error timeout. Normaly it works good. But now no more sound. It says it is on but there is no sound.
Restarted the app multibale times. Please advise thnx

I don’t know if balmli changed this since your post, but for me this device works on port 56001.

I have the same problem. Timeout error. Still no solution?

Any luck adding Q995C?

Please add support for a samsung Q990C soundbar

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Today I added the Samsung HW-Q80R soundbar to Homey with the use of this app.
Port setting 56001.
Remote control response time in Homey (e.g. volume or input channel) is super fast.


Hi, Alex

Can you add HW-Q990C