[APP][Pro] Ubiquiti UniFi app

Hmmmm can’t get it to work here…

Using the default ip of the UDM Pro ( and port 8443 is set by default.

One thing struck me, do you have the Unifi UDM or the Unifi UDM Pro?

I’ve got the udm normal version

The UDM Pro is running on UbiOS which is a newer version and need a rewrite of the Homey UniFi app by the developer @Pellucid. The “base” UDM is running a slightly older version and will be migrated to UbiOS soon (in beta now). The developer of the UniFi Protect app did manage to get it working with the new UDM Pro by using some other URLs.

Ik krijg mijn unifi niet verbonden. Hij verbind en verbreekt onmiddellijk erna en deze loop blijft duren.
Foutmeldingen zijn als volgt:

Error while fetching app list

Hij verbind, fectching user groep list, en dan de error en dit is een loop

Is het ergens een instelling in docker of ligt het aan de unifi controller?

Ik draai de unifi controller op een nas via docker, als ik ergens een fout in de inlog maak verbind hij niet meer, als hij verbind verbreekt hij onmiddellijk

Iemand tips?

I have problem with plugin. I have 3x UniFi APs.
I want to know when device leave network, but i get notifications even when device switch(roams) between APs.
If i set flow: If “Wifi connection lost” or “Device Disconnected”, flow triggers every time even i switched to another AP on the network. So if i walk from 1st to 2nd to 3rd AP, flow will be triggered twice.
How to make flow to trigger only when i leave network, not just roam?

Sounds weird, got 3 AP’s too and don’t have this same problem. Maybe it’s a setting?

I check all the settings, can’t find anything wrong. All 3x APs are in one site: default
This is brand new APs, i setup them just 3 days ago, so i did not change something special in settings.
Could you please share your flow, just to make sure i’m doing the same.

I’m basically doing 2 things. When I’m roaming from a AP to another i’m adjusting a variable stating where i am in the house (1st / 2nd / ground level / outside).

And with a disconnect I’m starting a timer for 5 minutes. If the timer finishes i’m labeled Away. If there is a connect within the timer, it stops te timer. This is because to the powersaving functions of phones where they sometimes disconnect network.

Maybe upgrade to 5.18.0 :wink:



  • [UAP6] Improve WiFi performance.
  • [UAP] Upon roaming, send roam events instead of disconnect events.
  • [UAP] Make proxy ARP feature depend on HS2.0.
  • [USW-PoE] Improve the stability to read LCM FW version.
  • [USW-PoE] Implement SNMP MIB interfaces.
  • [HW] Enable support for sha256 firmware checks.

Sorry, 5.18.0 of which the app?
Latest UniFi Network Controller 5.12.72
Latest plugin is 2.0.4

Latest uAP firmware in testing branch

Could you please provide link? I can’t find it anywhere by searching.


You have to bei logged in to your ui-Account (and maybe subscribe to early Access) to open the Link successfully.

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Hi Martijn,

Can you send some screenshots from your flows please.
Im trying to build them also because im having also the false warnings when the phone is switching between AP’s

I also have problems with the roaming inside the house. I work also with a timer but cant get it to work. You maybe have a solution ?

You can do this like this:


Dankjewel, heb iets anders wat nu ook werkt, heb een deur sensor op de voordeur, als die opengaat gaat er een zandloper lopen. En als die zandloper leeg is en wifi is of verbonden of verbroken, dan markeert hij me weg of thuis. Werkt simpel en goed .

I i stalled this app but I keep getting this error:
write EPROTO 1995509720:error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number:…/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/ssl3_record.c:332:)

The controlled is installed on my NAS and is running fine.
Host and port are as set in the controller and login seems to go fine

Any suggestions what to look for?

No support for the Unifi Dream Machine Pro on the horizon?


I have to reboot my cloudkey V1 once a week to keep everything working.
Do more people experience this and is there a solution?
