[APP][Pro] Xiaomi Mi Home App

Ordered a mi fan pedestal 2s like 5 min ago and just logged in here to check if there was support for it.
So I’m definitely interested :slight_smile:

Me! I have the 1st generation xiaomi fan (V1 with removable battery) and it would be great to support it!
Here’s the product links
Smartmi DC Pedastal Fan

There are 3 versions.
Version 1 with the removable battery, The front grill of the fan is flat
Version 2s with built in battery (non removable), front grill of the fan is flat
Version 2 which is mains powered. The grill is convex.

Could you guys post product links so I can try and find out the correct model id.

Have a look at this overview. Could you tell me which identifier you have?

Hmm, the first 2 are mijia branded fans, the latter 2 are the smartmi branded fans.
Mine is actually an earlier model of number 4, but version 1. The functions are essentially the same, it’s just the newer model comes with a handheld remote and non removable battery.

I wonder if they would work as is or a model identifier is required?

Mine seams to be a zhimi.fan.za4
Ive not recieved it yet, but it had the built in battery, and was named 2s :slight_smile:

Do you guys know how to run a Homey app from the command line? I have pushed a lot of changes to the app to GitHub but I need someone to test if it is actually working.

Tutorial CLI install: [HOW TO] CLI install method
Github: https://github.com/jghaanstra/com.xiaomi-miio

I will gladly test when I receive my fan :slight_smile:

I will try it tonight…
Here’s the basic info I got from miio discover for my fan

Device ID: 74668718
Model info: zhimi.fan.v3
Address: -
Token: ???
Support: At least generic

Tried adding the fan, test connection shows handshake timed out, added as Dmaker fan but device unavailable/app crashed.

Hi, is that what you need to know? Many thanks for any advise.

2019-08-30 17:31:17 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [yeelights] [5] Initializing device: “:bulb: Světlo obývák” of model “ceiling4” with capabilities:
2019-08-30 17:31:17 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [yeelights] [5] [ ‘onoff’,
‘night_mode’ ]

Yes, but this shows the device has the correct capabilities. So the color action cards should be available as well. Could you post a screenshot of the action cards available for you.

Alright so miracly now the color palette turns on and changes the ambiente led strip on 650. However there is no option to turn on/off the led strip in the Homey app. Also no action refers to it in flows. Is that how it should be?

Hmmm, could be I have not created that card yet. You can submit a feature request on GitHub if you want this. Not sure when I get to it to add this.

My Yeelight Color Bulb and sealing light are constantaly offline. I have to restart the app a few times a day. I tried everything, like using a static ip, turning 5 GHz off, etc. But no solution yet. Now my home automation is very unreliable.

I assume you are the one that send the debug log from the app. This is what it shows (the log is full of these errors):

Yeelight - error on socket: Error: read ECONNRESET
2019-09-02 08:33:27 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [yeelights] [0] Yeelight - trying to reconnect in 6 seconds.
2019-09-02 08:35:05 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [yeelights] [0] Yeelight - error on socket: Error: read ECONNRESET

So apparently your connection between Homey and your Yeelights gets reset which suggests an unstable internet connection from Homey and/or your Yeelights.

Thank you for youre fast reply. The yeelights are more than in range of my WiFi connection. So i dont understand. I have a expediabox v10a. Do you have Some tips for me to improve?

Just recieved my fan, and i getting the same result as viix on my v4 fan.

Did you guys run the app using athom app run? That should give me more information what is going on.

Just tested and got this:


SyntaxError: Missing catch or finally after try
at createScript (vm.js:80:10)
at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:139:10)
at Module._compile (module.js:617:28)
at Object.Module._extensions…js (module.js:664:10)
at Module.load (module.js:566:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:506:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:498:3)
at Module.require (module.js:597:17)
at Module.require (/opt/homey-client/system/manager/ManagerApps/bootstrap/sdk/v2/index.js:1:253)
at require (internal/module.js:11:18)

— INFO: com.xiaomi-miio has been killed —

Ok, I hope to have fixed that. Could you try the current version from GitHub and see if that fixes this.