[Beginner] Smart Porch Light Tutorial


Our flow is starting to become more useful, but what if we are already at home and its not Friday in Spring? This is where the {else} comes in handy for triggering a new action.

The {else} will run, whenever all the {and} condition and all of the {or} conditions are not met, or are not true. We are going to update an existing action as well as add a new one with in{else}.


  1. Fibaro Switch (But you can use any smart light globe or switch.)
  2. [Date & Time] card, which give us access to time, date, day and even sun actions.
  3. [LED Ring] card, which gives us access to some homey LED ring actions.
  4. [Presence] card, which give us access to actions about peoples presence in the house.


  • {when}
  • {and}
  • {or} + {and}
  • {then} x 2
  • {else}


We would like to update our flow so that if we are not home, our Homey LED Ring should only be set to 5% brightness in order to save power, but when we are home we want it to be at full brightness.

  1. First we want to edit the current Homey Brightness card to be 10%. To edit a card, just touch the card the edit window will open and this looks/acts the same way as when originally adding the card.
  2. Next we want to add a new [LED Ring] card, set brightness 100% this is done the same as previous steps.
  3. With the new [LED Ring] Card we need move this to the else area. This is done the same as moving a card to the or area but {else} will not be displayed until after we start dragging the card down.

{when} Sunset {and} Not Home {or} Its Friday {and} in Spring {then} Turn on light {then} Set RING LED 5% {else} Set LED Brightness 100%


When we are not home after sunset the HOMEY ring dims to 10% to save power, but if its sunset and we are home, then set the ring LED to 100%.