[APP][Pro] Broadlink App

:joy: I saw on the community App Store version about learning Rf on 2.0.2 which confused me lol. Shouldn’t seen the version went back to 1.0 with the removal of other devices.


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Im trying to add my broadlink pro to homey. I cant get the broadlink pro added to e control app
. I having no troubble adding it to regular broadlink app . And i know the ip of the device . (Chinese ver) isn the regular broadlink app not supported too adding device to homey ? Regards

Try this, maybe you’ll need the “red” version

Will there be support for the newer RM4 PRO the older models are hugely expensive and harder to get :cry:


I would like as well to know if there is any plan to support RM4 Pro model.

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As finally Homey can’t manage RF, I have to buy a Broadlink to control my shades.

I can see a lot of comments without answers here.
Can we now exactly WHICH broadlink we can buy and be sure it will work with the app please ?

The last update of this app works with rmpro3 only and since then, I’m not sure if the versions available works with this app or not.

Homey does, both 433 and 868MHz.
If it does the trick 4 u, that’s something else :thinking:
Try it at Homey Developer

Let me tell you a little secret, it’s called the Homey app store

Search for Broadlink and at the Broadlink app page, you’ll find what you need.

You’re funny :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Where do you think I found the link if this thread.
Hint : starts with App and finish with Store.

Thanks for dev thingy, will give a try :+1:t2:

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Hehehe, okay okay,
I took a look myself, because I thought all supported device info was gone. But, it’s still there :wink:


  • RM3 mini The RM3 Mini is a wifi to IR (infrared) device. It can learn IR commands and transmit them.

  • RM Pro - IR

  • RM Pro Plus - IR + RF

So I don’t understand your Q:

Note: The RM Pro and -Plus are supported, not the ones with a 3 or a 4 in it’s name (as far as I know, and mentioned above
 @viix sais an rm pro3 works overthere)

And, another secret for you: If you alter the URL of an app @ the appstore, and append /test to it, a test version is revealed (if available) and these possibly support more / newer devices.


Oh, didn’t knew about this secret. Will definitively try it. Thanks

To answer your question : i’ve been reading the thread and it seems that a lot of people aren’t able to make their Broadlink work + last update is a year old.

I’m a bit « angry » toward Homey, as they sold me something that should be working with almost everything, and finally 
 except Philips Hue
 nothing work OOTB.
I have open objects, solder, flash, hack my own database :scream:
And i spend hours of search before buying anything « connected » just to check if I’ll be able to find a workaround or a developer nice enough to have make an app on his own for this.

Don’t recignize your disappointment. You have to put quite a bit of time in it, it is not a plug and play device. I happened to have some gear @ home which works with Homey, and for new stuff to buy, there’s loads of info here and on FB.

It’s like the Abdomizer I think. They sell you a dream, but you have to do it yourself in the end.

Maybe Homey, or domotica in general, is not your thing.
It’s all pretty complicated and splintered still, it takes a lot of study and reading to get you on your way with it.
I chose a Homey over all other systems after studying home-automation systems, and I like it​:crazy_face::ok_hand:

I have learned several RF codes with no problem. I would like to use them also in Home assistant without having to “learn” them again. Is there a way to see the codes stored in the app?

Homey RF works perfectly (Somfy Shutter with app official, Novy Hood with app official), you can also learn a signal in Homey Dev.

I also have a Broadlink RM Pro+ and it works perfectly with Homey.

if homey doesn’t suit you, it’s not too late to sell it 
 But homey is powerful and can do a lot of things. It takes a little time to apprehend it.

I use HA too only for dashboard.
I have a gate button and a flow:

I have a Xiaomi door sensor on my gate to have the position (only open/close) and i did a “template switch” who state change with the Xiaomi sensor

- platform: template
      value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.openclose_17', 'on') }}"
        service: switch.toggle
          entity_id: switch.portail
      service: switch.toggle
        entity_id: switch.portail
    icon_template: >-
      {% if is_state('binary_sensor.openclose_17', 'on') %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}


Any way to get the broadlink RM4 pro working? Or is anything planned to add support for it?

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I have RM4 mini and works fine with the Broadlink app from @Pieterv123.

Which app is that? The broadlink app just gives me an error when I enter the IP of RM4 pro.
