Can't configure Fibaro motion sensor reliably

I have recently bought a homey and installed various Fibaro switches, buttons and a motion sensor. I studied how to configure them (including associations etc) and think I get it. Also I have played with the flows and they are quite clear to use. If it works it works nicely.

Looking at the motion sensor I understand that the battery devices by Fibaro only update their settings if they wake up (e.g. by pressing the button 3 times or at a set interval). Also I have read on several places on this forum that Homey tracks the device settings purely based on the settings which have been set via the app, and doesn’t read back the device settings from the device.

An issue I am having is with this motion sensor. Settings I write to the motion sensor in above described way in no way seem to be correct. Repeated setting of a variable (back and forth between close settings) gives random behavior, like e.g. changing colour of the eye, sensitivity of sensor reduced, association with the wrong event (a light turns on when tamper alert goes on). I have tried removing and adding the device, moving the device close to the homey etc, without an improvement. Currently I am unable to get the motions sensor sensing motion anymore (unless I am 0.5 meter from it) and I can not get an association with the hall light to work anymore (so I work around this with 2 Homey flows).

A seconde issue I am having is that the switches and buttons in 5 % of the cases do not trigger their programmed flows, suggesting that the actions do not end tip at the homey. Especially the buttons can stop working. Is this a known bug related to homey, wave and\or Fibaro?

I am using the 2.0.4 firmware of homey and the Fibaro motion sensor has been delivered here a week ago (and I haven’t updated any firmware). All the devices are for now quite closely the Homey (no more then 5 meters between powered Fibaro wave devices).

I hope some of you have answers or solutions or that Homey support can react.

Can someone also point me where to submit an issue? I have tried the support site, but it is not clear how to submit an issue. Also nowhere I can find a phone number to contact a support team?

k.r. Jan

You can do this here:

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