Guide to Connecting gBridge to Homey for Google Assistant

Hi everyone,

that’s me - the head of

sorry I haven’t seen this thread earlier. Please feel free to notify my (or my employee) using the support email about such threads if there is an issue that affects many people.

It’s hard for me to debug these problems (since I don’t have a Homey at home and don’t known anyone who got one). Is someone reading along who is located in Dresden (Germany) or Nuremberg? I’d be willing to do a “personal debug session” for a evening or so then.

By the way, where have you seen that TLS 1.3 is required? This was a typo that has appeared accidentally in some documents (and has scared a whole lot of people). I’ve thought that I’ve corrected all documents to the correct TLS 1.2 :thinking:

Sadly, I need to keep the log files at a bear minimum (to be on the safe side regarding data privacy). Only critical errors are logged. So, of course, there’s nothing obvious in the log files for the past week. Starting a detailed trace for a single user is quite hard either on the production server.

Well, long story short, I’ve seen this problem before. Is it possible for you to define a last will topic for the connection to the gBridge mqtt server? Please try disabling this last will message (or set its topic to gBridge/u{userid}/lastwill.
