Developing a new Family iPhone App


Are you using the account of the head of the family? The one that maintain the member list?
(Settings\Apple ID\Share with family)

If that is all set correctly.

  1. Fill in this account in the Homey Family iPhone App Settings and change the sync time to 1 minute
  2. Then add the devices
  3. Some people have then the problem it won’t start syncing, go to the Family iPhone app then the cog-wheel and restart the app. Before that clear the logging.
  4. Check if it starts syncing correctly in the logging.

I think I need to include a manual into the README file. Maybe someone can help with?

I have been using the Iphone Family app for a week now and am also confronted with the problem that the battery of my Iphone, my Apple Watch and my wife’s Iphone loosing power. The app synchronizes every 2 minutes now. Can something be done about this?


Krijg dit niet werkend, kan iemand mij helpen

Hi Eddy, welcome to the forums!
You might wanna check the rules on this fora before you post.

Hoi Eddy, welkom op het forum!
Misschien moet je eerst de regels even lezen voordat je begint met reageren.

Plz keep the conversation in English in the English part of the forums!

Did you had family settings before?

I download the app, set my iCloud settings and after that i set the Family settings.

I am wondering if you switch off the Family iPhone App for a day if this will change your battery life on your iPhones. I don’t think this will change.

I have do the test. I turn off the Family IPhone app and the power of al devices ar normal. With the app turner om the power of the iPhones are empty in 9 hours. When i use the app than a hole day.

Hi, That is weird as I did a similar test and I noticed almost no differences. Maybe if the Homey App request for coordinates, Apple will request this to a device. I cannot do much about it. Maybe if you lower the update frequency (you need to have the latest version) this will help.

(PS I am also writing a similar app for Life360 App maybe that will solve your issues?Homey Who is Home?)

I’ve used this app a while, but this week it stopt working. I deleted the app so I can reïnstall it again… but… now it looks like the app isn’t in available anymore. Is that right?

During the new app store a number of apps are auto deleted. This is one of them. I am trying to republish everything but the new store is for developer less user friendly.