[APP][Pro] Enigma2 DVB Boxes Support

Not yet. I will have a look into at, when I have the flow cards ready and working. Then I will implement the device based version.


Since the last update the app is now also working on my VU+ ultimo 4K

I too would love to see a version supporting mulitple receivers. I currently have 3 dreamboxes and 2 vu+ 'es in use at my house, so would be great!

Hey Folks,
the App in Version 0.1.6 was just approved and this includes a rewrite of the function codes for better overview (only one function for all action cards).
Also it includes the NL Language, special thanks to @Martin_Timmermans you also have been added to the code as official Translator.

As these are the only changes currently, i hope that you are testing the App out and let me know if something doesn’t work. The next few days will be used to check the condition cards and a new Alpha Version should then also be available, let me know if you like to join the alpha channel, then i will add you.

Works on VUsolo2 with openpli 4 installed.

auto installed the latest update, and within 1 minute it crashed. Homey is on 2.0rc05,

I’m now also on rc5 and check what is happening. I don’t see the issue when using the app via cli. Also i don’t have a good Crash report. I’m on it. Sorry!

This the diagcode:


I installed the app from app store, everything fine, but after autouodate direct crash.

I have found the Issue, thanks to some other eyes. The code at Github was corrupted. Sadly the new Publish needs approval again, don’t now how fast this will happen.

Will post here as soon as possible.

the app started to crash after a reboot of homey.

The ID send in: 7d2abca5-35cb-4ef1-b3c0-adb02dcb5c70

Homey.FlowCardTrigger?this.type=“trigger”:this instanceof Homey.FlowCardCondition?this.type=“condition”:this instanceof Homey.FlowCardAction&&(this.type=“action”),!this.type)throw new Error(“FlowCard must be an instance of one of the following: FlowCardTrigger, FlowCardCondition or FlowCardAction”);if(!Homey.manifest.flow||!Array.isArray(Homey.manifest.flow[${this.type}s]))throw new Error(flow.${this.type}s does not exist in the app.json config or is not an Array);if(this._cardObj=Homey.manifest.flow[${this.type}s].find(e=>e.id===this.id),void 0===this._cardObj)throw new Error(“Invalid card id”);this._args={},this._runListener=void 0,this.

Error: Invalid card id
at new FlowCard (/opt/homey-client/system/manager/ManagerApps/bootstrap/sdk/v2/lib/FlowCard.js:1:870)
at new FlowCardAction (/opt/homey-client/system/manager/ManagerApps/bootstrap/sdk/v2/lib/FlowCardAction.js:1:164)
at Object.<anonymous> (/app.js:137:33)
at Module._compile (module.js:653:30)
at Object.Module._extensions…js (module.js:664:10)
at Module.load (module.js:566:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:506:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:498:3)
at Module.require (module.js:597:17)
at Module.require (/opt/homey-client/system/manager/ManagerApps/bootstrap/sdk/v2/index.js:1:253)

Exit code: 1
Exit signal: null

Please install Alpha 0.1.7, this should fix the crash!
If you are not yet on the Alpha channel, you can write a PM with your Athom Mail and i will add you as soon as possible.

The new App Version was just Approved and I have set it to publish. Version 0.1.7 should now fix all crashes.
Sorry for the trouble.

If anything is observed, let me know.

You might wanna put an X with the Dutch language in the app description :slight_smile: …now it says it is still lacking it

I allready done this in my Code at the Pc, but not yet published. In the Codefix V0.1.7 i had other issues… Will come for sure! Also you will get a Flag infront of your Name, so everybody can see, that you have done the NL Language.
BTW: if i do more in the App, can i still count on you for the Translation? If so, i will send you a PM with the Liney, if you like.

What is the name of the app?
I AM running on the latest homey version

@WesM You can find the App in Beta state in the athom Appstor with the name enigma2, or just click on this link:

Not working on the latest update of homey.

Error says it cant be installed on my homey

What is the Version you are using with Homey?

Homey version 2.0.4

App version