Fgbs 222 et sonde DS18B20

je souhaite installer une sonde DS18B20 sur un module fibaro fgbs 222 afin d’obtenir la température d’eau de piscine.
Néanmoins je n’ai que la température interne du module qui remonte.
Avez vous déjà rencontré ce type de pb ?

Hello, I apologies for the response in English. You have to first connect the DS18B20 and only after you have to include the FGBS222 into Homey. Unfortunately that how it works.

indeed, I connected the ds18B20 first and then I included the fbgs in homey. I canceled the operation several times but it does not want to raise the temperatures.
It has no specific parameter?

Again, sorry for English.

No, there is no parameter required.
I have mine set this way.

If the DS18B20 is connected before the inclusion, it should show the temperature straight on.
Maybe the DS sensor is faulty? Or maybe it is not wired correctly? I would double check the way you wired into the smart implant.
Try also power off and on Homey (leave it off for some 10mins)
Could you post a photo of the wiring?

In the end I managed to include it with the displayed tempertaue but there is no automatic refresh.
I saw on some forums that it was necessary to pass the value automatic refresh in manual with an interval of 5 min

I’ve the same problem. Please could you tell me how you solved it? Maybe by modifying some advanced parameters of the Fibaro Smart implant ?

Problem solved :muscle: I have changed my wagos to simple connectors and it now works fine.
Hope this will help other people :blush: