[APP] Fibaro - Your home is your castle (by Athom)

what is the value you are trying to write to the card with the tag?

I just did want to make a "knipsel"from the flow to show you the results.
But out off the blue it suddenly works again?

One card did give a red triangle. I replaced the card and that one is working again to

I realy donā€™t know how thats possible. Because I didnā€™t change anything

Iā€™m not the main developer of the fibaro app (anymore), I know as much as you do currently.

Donā€™t use s2 myself, would need to take the entire module out of the wall to be able to test why it does what it does, sorry, just donā€™t have the time for that.

Athom have changed the way they want to handle support.

I would highly suggest that everyone who is now being affected by an issue posts a message on their support : https://support.athom.com/hc/requests/new

The more people they see that this is affecting the higher priority it will be to fix.

Donā€™t forget to post an issue for the fact that the power readings for the S2 also are always blank :slight_smile:

I just updated to v2.0.0-rc.9 and added successfully my 2 Fibaro Wall Plugs to Homey (Z-wave Plus versions).
When I create a flow to control them, the only action I can choose from is Turn On/Off or Toggle (same behavior with both of them).
No flow action anymore to change the led color. Color change still works when I manually update the color parameters via the advanced interface of the device, but the color action itself is not available in the flow editor. Is this a limitation of the update or are the wall plugs identified incorrectly?

I use 1 wall plug to tell my 3 year old son when he may leave his bed. Red means ā€˜close your eyes again and try to sleepā€™, green means ā€˜ok, you may get out of bedā€™.
Very important for the weekends! :laughing:


I got some Fibaro door sensors v1 and v2 and a flood sensor, they all show the tamper alarm (the door sensors i had to repplace the glue, so it will unfortunately show tamper alarm all the time because it doesnā€™t press hard enough on the sensor)

But unfortunately in Homey 2.0 app this means there is always a warning on these sensors, is there a way to fix this, i canā€™t really see anywhere i can turn off the tamper alarm inside the sensor settings (there is one, but it does not change the status in the app)

do yours properly show the status of the window?

yes it shows everything correctly, I only have problems with the tamper alarms because the switch is not sensitive enough to be pressed

I have the same problem. Both of my two Fibaro Door Sensors shows the tamper alarm.
In my old system (Homee) there was a command to acknowledge the tamper alarm.
But in Homey App there is no command like this.

I have already created a support ticket for this, but the answer was not what I expected.

The ā€œ!ā€ is being displayed because of the tamper alarm.
A re-include should resolve the issue

A re-include will not solve the problem I think, because the tamper alarm will appear every time you lift the cover.
So there must be a command to acknowledge in my point of view!

I cant see the motion in insights.
Only me?

yes, there are also some of the capabilities missed in insights.

for example:

a) Fibaro Door Sensor
Capabilities inside the app:

  • contact alarm
  • batterie


  • contact alarm is missing!
  • tamper alarm is missing!

b) Fibaro Motion Sensor
Capabilities inside the app:

  • motion alarm
  • temperature
  • luminance
  • tamper alarm
  • batterie


  • motion alarm is missing!
  • tamper alarm is missing!

c) Fibaro Wall Plug
Capabilities inside the app:

  • Sate (ON/OFF)
  • power
  • power meter


  • State (ON/OFF) is missing!

In another words, the most important parts are missing from insights, like motion and contact alarm.
Create an issue to Athom. I will create one now. The more of us do so, the better chances we have (hopefully) for Athom to look into this.

All binary (on/off yes/no) capabilities are missing. Already created an issue myself too.

In addition to the issues above:

Fibaro double switch does not work:

  • S1 is switchable using the hardware, but not with Homey.
  • S2 is not switchable using the hardware, but it is switchable with Homey.

Already filed the issue to Athom a couple of weeks agoā€¦ But still no solution.


Also filed one, and waiting. Manually updated to the latest beta - did not resolve the problem. I mentioned this on slack - for a hacky work around you can use the group app and group the device which is not working - then controll it through the group - or use apple home or alexa to control it.

I will make a support ticket to, we need a way to disable the tamper function, because if the tape for mounting them is replaced, the tamper alarm will be on at all times, this should be a minor problem for them to fix in software, or maybe even call it a feature :wink:

I got an email today from support ā€œplease re-pair the deviceā€ same old, same old.
Meanwhile I am using your suggestion @Jamie

Did re-pairing fix it @danone

Thanks, I did not use the group app before, but if this makes it work iā€™ll give it a try.