Fibaro Dimmer 2 in "hotelschakeling"

It works but because a device cant see the difference.
But I personally think it’s always wise to hold on as the manufacturer recommends.:smile:
Let’s say you house burns down and the cause was your fibaro switch.
You know you didn’t exactly followed the manual. You wished you took a bit of extra time to pull the Bleu wire👍

There is an Sx connection so you don’t have to put 2 wires under the L terminal, if you have the module only behind 1 switch, I do really advise to not put 2 wires under 1 such screw terminal the modules use, that would be the biggest cause of a fire.

Is this documented ?? That the main purpose is solely for avoiding two wires under one connection?

Having that said to cause fire there are more option I have seen :joy::joy::joy:
The most hazardous thing is a kroonsteen (do not now the translation) and the avarage do it your self guy or girl.

“ De NEN-EN-IEC 61439-1 is daar zelfs nog strikter in: 8.6.3. In het algemeen behoort er slechts één geleider op een aansluitklem te worden aangesloten; het aansluiten van twee of meer geleiders op één aansluitklem is uitsluitend toegelaten wanneer de aansluitklemmen daarvoor zijn ontworpen

I never said you are wrong about this but is it the only reason or is there more than 1 reason fibaro has a sx s1 s2.
The interpretation of designed for is debatable is you use 2 wires and a furrule that is DESIGNED for two wires😄
The you have a designed connection that is approved by the nen and two wires under one connection.

This question I don’t understand because sx, s1 and s2 have all different meanings for the dimmer. Like s1 has the option to enter the learning mode and s2 is just for an extra switch in the dimmer2.

Under one connection that is designed to hold 2 wires, that’s a big difference u know?

Debatable again 2 1mm2 cabels under 1 2,5 mm2 connection do not see a problem.
As long as you use the proper materials and official install method.
The reason why I responded here is because in the fibaro manual I do not see this wiring diagram.
And in this thread I read a few times this is a option to use.
I do not think it is wise to experiment.

U answered it urself.
But if u don’t see a problem the NEN can go do some other things then making rules for this aye?

Never said I make rules I gave an example of a connection with 2 wires under one connection that is designed for it.
Like stated in your nen quote aye?

Correct. And the fibaro is not designed for it.

As a moderator you just single handedly turned off topic to another level.
I responded on the question if the only reason why there are separate connections for double wiring.
Still haven’t got the answer on this by the way

Ferrules are only for non solid core wires, especially not 2 solid wires.
99% of normal house installation wires are solid core, so if you use a ferrule for that you’ll need to get a new education plan.

But the main reason of the Sx is to just make it easier (and thus a little safer) with installation, yes, the amount of space behind a switch is very, very limited, and they did everything they could to make it easier to install it behind a switch.



Given the url from the image, this is obviously from a Chinese site. And i think we all know how much they value certifications and regulations… :thinking:

Actually those are good connections (though that isn’t a ferrule), wago makes them, but Goodluck getting that behind the switch also, as the module itself uses 90% the wires 8% and the 2% is air that the wires need to get pushed in.

Solid wire fits fine in a 50mm box

Btw these Chinese version of wago is rated 10A, the wago is 25Amp

Sure, the solid wires, but not 3 pieces of the 3 latching terminals, AND the dimmer 2 module, AND the solid wires.
Plus the last one that are shown are only allowed for solid core wiring, not the flexible wiring, even with ferrules.

Not sure why you would need 3 of those. 2 wires from switch to fibaro and 2 from fibaro to lamp. No need for these latching ones in this case. And with 3 wire you still don’t need them unless you have 2 outlets and a switch or 2 switches. But still it would fit then with a bit of fiddling, not saying it is easy though. And yes solid core obviously. PS: its not a contest you know…