Fibaro dimmer not dimming linear

I have 4 Philips dimmable led ligts and the fibaro bypass connected to one fibaro dimmer 2.

I have calibrated the dimmer.

For unknown reasons the dimmer can only dim in the lower part of its 100% range.
At about dimming position 30% the lights are 100 lit.

I have the dimmer connected to an up/down switch and N and L wired.

The configuration works as expected except its non linear range.

Any idea what this could be?

U might adjust the parameters in your dimmer settings in homey. If u calibrate it sets sometimes like 30% so you can adjust manually

Alex, this parameter is not available on the Fibaro.


Steef de Koning

These parameters can be used in advanced settings -> rough configuration parameters like this: 2,1,30

Do you happen to know which parameter I have to change? Based on the descriptions I was not able to select the right parameter.


Steef de Koning

If you go on the settings inside homey on your dimmer 2 u can find the adjustment as u see on the top of my picture.

Thanks , I changed the brightness limits and indeed it is much better to control.


Steef de Koning