Fibaro motion sensor range really low after battery change

Hi all,

My Fibaro motion sensor battery was empty, no probs, replace it. But after that I seem to have a problem with range.

It is less than 1 meter before it detects movement,a nd that doesn’t cut it (the ceiling is already higher ;))

Any tips on what to look for? Sensitivity is already upped, but yeah…


Try factory reset of device (exclude and include it again). I had a lot of problems with Fibaro sensors in past (false alarm, battery drain, stuck on alarm state), replaced them with much cheaper Aqara and everything works as it supposed to. Other alternative Neo Collcam PIR, its zwave and also works without issues.

I already did. Exclude :). No avail. Not sure wether it is teh Zwave or PLus device.

The aqara are too slow for me, at least, the respond really slow it seems.

Then there is some other issue in your case. Aqara responds immediately. Im using it also for staircase backlight and it works in 100% of cases when I do enter the staircase. No delays, no false alarms, no dead sensors.

Older homey maybe? :slight_smile:

Does anyone else here have an idea. it gets really annoying now that is gets dark quickly…

I had the same issue and after a restart of my Homey it was resolved.