Fibaro Smart Implant

Hi guys,

I just added my fibaro smart implant to homey successfully, but the implant does not report any values nor alarms, after it is added.

Just after it is added, it reads the internal temeperature sensor and its value is shown in Homey app. I have set the report interval of internal temperature sensor in advanced setting to 5s, but it does not update at all - right now it says “Last Updated: 28 minutes ago”. I am playing with this for several hours, I never saw it updated. The report treshold for internal temerature sensor is set to 0,1.

Also, when I close contact on IN1 and IN2, no alarm is triggered. I have these inputs set to Normaly open contact in advanced settings, so when I close them alarm should be triggered. However, the Alarm input 1 and Alarm input 2 never get activated. I know these buttons work, because when I click them three times during the inclusion process, they activate the inclusion process, just as if I clicked the B button of sensor itself.

I use this wiring:

In place of binary sensors I use regular wall switches for testing purposes, but there will be an Paradox alarm pannel connected to them when ready. I also included ampermeter in she scheme (between power supply positive node and implant’s “P (red)” node.

The z-wave connection is working - when I change advanced settings in Homey APP, they get saved, no error is reported and values get updated in When I click “test” in developer web, it reports “Node 13 is reachable”. When I start the range test on sensor itself it finishes with green light indicating that “the device communicates with the main controller directly”

I tried restarting the sensor, reincluding it, restarting homey, and I also tried it with experimental Fibaro app v3.0.6 - nothing seems to work. Even when I changed inputs 1 and 2 to Toggle button / Bistble button in advanced settings, it did not work. My Fibaro smart implant just won’t report anything.

Any help with this would be highly appreciated.

Thank you,
