Fibaro switches responsiveness

Plenty of info for all your problems in this forum, google is your friend :slight_smile:

Even with a fast controller like HC2 I never could switch all lights in the same time, so the above advice in having a delay in between each actuators in the THEN part.

That’s mostly because they were included “secure”, and it’s proven to slow down Homey, at least in my case and some others.

And why would you need to reset them for?

That’s very normal and once it reaches 232 (I think it’s 232) it will start again from 1 or use the next free node id. So there is nothing to worry about.

In the latest Fibaro app, this has been implemented by Athom, I think to overcome some of Homey’s issues with responsively and missing messages. Perhaps someone here can give you a better answer. But that’s good, unless you are worried of any security, it will make your network much faster. After I included all my Fibaro dimmer 2 and switched unsecured, the responsiviness has substantially increased.
Try this and maybe you experience the same. See this post HERE.