Google, Homey, Window Coverings (raambekleding)

Previously I could ask Google to let homey move up or down my sunscreens by asking ‘hey Google ask homey to put down my sunscreen’.
Since recently, perhaps since homey 2.0 but I’m not sure, this won’t work anymore.
Homey talks back through Google home and says the following:

Hopefully anyone knows how to fix this?

Did other speech comment work ?
Since 2.0 microphone is disabled

I know. But I use Google home to get my voice command. And yes, other voice commands still work.

Hi, I have the same problem can’t find the speak command to activate my Somphy blinds (rolluik) to go down or go up. I get same reply from Google home as picture above. Although I have find out if I say Hey Google vraag Homey om ik ga weg (Hey Google ask Homey I am leaving) a flow will be activated and all blinds go down and lights and receiver go off. although I don’t have a flow named I am leaving but I do have a flow named Rene is leaving I think thats the one which was activated.

Hey guys. Any updates on this?

Hi, I had the same problem.
My screen is somfy and if you go to the device and then settings.
you see what type is this(wat voor type is dit)
change that one.

Thx so much! @Martin_Sla that actually did the trick! :+1::blush: