H.O.O.P. (Hope) - Examples

Example Flow Director - IF THEN

The first examplesshow’s the usefullness of H.O.O.P.
It collects a list of to do, like the vacuum-bin needs to be emptied and the dishwasher is done, and then announces the todo list through Google Service TTS throughout the house.

Before, i had eight flows, now I have one!

Flow to collect and announce a ToDo list for your home

  • This flow collects a list of todo items.
  • First, the flow will only run if the variable IsThuisVandaagAlBegroet (IsHomeAllreadyBeenGreeted) is false.
  • Then it sets the textuale variable teDoenMeldingen (ToDoMessages) to an (almost) empty string (a space).
  • After that it will execute multiple IF statements, and if so, add a a message to the textuale variable TeDoenMeldingen.
  • After the collection of the messages has been done, the messages are played through Google Services TTS and the variable IsThuisVandaagAlBegroet is set to true, preventing the execution again today.
    (The IsThuisVandaagAlBegroet variable is reset every night)