Het grote Homey 2.0.0 stable discussie topic [NL]

✓ Homey App nl.terryhendrix.smartpresence successfully installed

Nice, thanks!

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@Rocodamelshekima @neluz @Peter_de_Vos

Thanks! Hopefully this will fix it on my end also. Hopefully i’m able to try it this weekend.

I only use it for the set to home state. For away i use homey itself. That will do it for now.

Smart Presence: still got some work to do there. Thanks for all the info!

Known bug: Problems w.r.t not able to trigger flows /devices is a familiar problem after the update. I had contact with Athom via e-mail and they say that my CPU seems to have many huge peaks which possibly causes the problem(s). They came up with 2 workarounds:

  • Install Candy app;
    tried but it’s not supported for V2. Duh!

  • Use a socket;
    but when homey switches of the socket the socket will never be triggered again as it will not get a trigger from a powerless Homey. Ok, ok I could use an analogue one but hey! That’s like buying a car and because it has a defect you still have to walk.

After mentioning the above Athom’s advice is to wait for the bug being fixed.

Good to see the Homey-browser-version is back!!

You could buy a cheap WIFI plug (around $10,- at Ali or similar). That way you are able to switch it on/off via Smart Life app independent from Homey. It’s a workaround i use now to be able to restart Homey from anywhere if it has a problem.
The only way this doesn’t work is as your complete Internet is down.

@Rocodamelshekima @neluz @Peter_de_Vos

Thanks a million! App installed succesfully.
I will try and see how it works in the upcoming weekend.

Smart Presence:

A big thanks 2 @Rocodamelshekima @neluz and @Peter_de_Vos
For the peeps who also want Smart Presence work again on Homey v2 check this manual here

Homey V2 stability:
No updates yet with respect to the bad triggering of flows / devices. Hopefully there will be an update soon.

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I noticed when you add a device the app crashes. After restarting the app the device is added anyway and the app works…

Thanks @bvdbos i had the same experience indeed.
1 crash and after that crash it works flawless

Zijn er meer mensen die via een flow een vraag notificatie ingesteld hebben en als je deze beantwoord met ja de homey app vast loopt en dus deze actie niet uitvoert?

Beacon app also back on track with 2.0.5 rc-2. By far the best presence app! I use 2 tile pro’s

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What is your flow setup? Screenshot?
Sounds interesting.

Perhaps i can test it.

Flow setup

Start test flow

Na vraag beantwoord te hebben loopt die vast en doet dus niks meer met de flow

Ik heb een samsung s9… op mijn vriendin der telefoon werkt dit wel… iphone 7…

What about IF ?
What about AND ?

Dit schijnt een bug te zijn in Android 9. Geen idee wanneer hier een oplossing voor komt…

There is an expirimental release ( https://firmware.athom.com/) which comes with a lot of fixes:

8 Mar 2019 - Homey v2.0.5-rc.5 experimental

  • [Core] Added Experimental German translations
  • [Experiments] Added Power user experiment for extra Flow cards & system diagnostics in Insights
  • [Flow] Flows that are started too many times will now be automatically disabled
  • [Flow] Disabled Flows now cannot be started from another Flow
  • [Flow] If all ‘and’ group have errors, stop the Flow
  • [Flow] The ‘Date & Time Every …’ card will now start more accurately
  • [Notifications] Lock and unlock actions are now visible in the Timeline
  • [Apps SDK] Fixed a bug where discovered BLE devices would stay visible
  • [Apps SDK] Fixed a bug where Image Flow tokens could not be registered
  • [Apps SDK] Fixed a bug where Flow card ‘device’ type arguments would not be accessible
  • [Apps SDK] Fixed a bug where CronTasks would fire the wrong event
  • [Apps SDK] Removed class Homey.Speaker
  • [Apps SDK] Added rate limits on the creation of notifications
  • [Apps SDK] Add ZwaveNode unknownReport event
  • [Apps] Fixed a bug where an app could not be removed when it was not running
  • [Z-Wave] Fixed the Secure & Battery properties in the device’s settings
  • [Z-Wave] Reports from nodes with unknown Command Classes can now be read
  • [Zones] Fixed a bug that prevented Zones from being removed
  • [Users] Fixed a bug where disabled users in some cases could still log in
  • [Core] Various improvements

Hopefully this will fix all the issues i have wrt the Homey overhere. Can’ t make much out of the ‘release’ notes.
I’ll wait for the official release . How long will that take normally?

My Homey is very unpredictable /unstable…How is your Homey working?

Ik wil dit weekend overgaan naar V2 ik zit nu nog op V1.5.13, komen al mijn tags die ik in mijn kaartjes gebruik weer netjes over in V2, en ik gebruik nu Better Logic, kan ik na de update veel Boolean en number variable omzetten naar de standard logic wat in V2 zit.

Ben na het verschijnen van de web flow editor gelijk naar V2 gegaan en had op zich geen problemen. Alle flows deden het. Heb nog steeds wel better logic geinstalleerd maar zou niet weten waarom ik terug zou willen naar de ingebouwde logic.

Datum en tijd nu ook zichtbaar op de tijdlijn van de app wanneer je de melding aanklikt.

Omgegaan naar V2.04 ziet er goed uit, web flow en insights zien er goed uit nu nog even zoeken waar mijn variable staan van better logic of ik die ook in de web flow kan vinden ik geloof het niet ?Op mijn telefoon zie ik ze wel nu nog kijken hoe dat werkt.
Terwijl ik hier zit te typen krijg ik in insights steeds de melding TIME OUT AFTER 30000 MS., dit ook al gevonden waarom ik heb Dark Sky Weather stond aangeklikt deze uitgeklikt toen was het weg.

Die better logic vraagt voor een update en die lukt niet, nu is de melding weg van de update dus toch schijnbaar wel gelukt maar hoe maak in nieuwe variable aan en jammer dat ik er geen mooie lijst van krijg.