HomeWizard P1 dongle missing data

Installed dongle and app in Homey no problem. But one of de date values is not filled, installation was 24 hours ago. What is wrong?

Hey Ria,
I’ve a 1-fase setup, so I can’t reproduce

Maybe try asking your Q @ the app topic of the dev Jeroen?

How do I enable this in the app?

What does the capability overview look like, Ria?
(At the search bar, enter your device name “Energy Dongle”

Seems to not exist…

Seems to be a bug, will fix when I am back from leave.


Sorry for the delay but noticed that its a bit of a duplicate value. “Huidig vermogen” is the same as “Huidige Gebruik alle fases”. For now I will populate it but frankly it will be double in your chart as “Huidig vermogen” is all 3 fases combined.

Version 2.0.10 is in beta/test so get it there and try.

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That’s what I also thought, it was a double.

Fixed in v2.0.15.


There is no data for the total use. This is also in the web app. Is this possible to adjust?

I guess you’ll need the “Huidig vermogen” graph, Ria.
It’s a double entry with “Huidig gebruik alle fases”

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Thank you very much, some times it is confusing :flushed:

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