Homey 2.0.0 Community App Compatibility List

On github the mysensors app owner says he sold his homey and is not updating the app for homey 2.0. I do not see any other contributers or followup/continuation for now.

I do use Sonoff hardware, flashed Tasmota on it straightaway. And use your great app in Homey (2.0). It is just a joy to use it. Flawless.

Homeyduino app could have been a joy, it could have unlocked Arduino to Homey in a friendly way. But it had problems from the get go and that made me hesitant to go full monkey on it.
I still use it to control a low voltage relay with it to switch my ventilation system. It still works in Homey 2.0, for as long as that is.

I would like to use sensors like PIRs, Light dependend resitors and DHT11 temperature en humidity sensors. That hardware is basic stuff, but connected to Homey in a gentile way you can have lots of fun.

Fair enough