Homey 2.0.0 Community App Compatibility List

Slide app is 2.0 compatible but it’s based on the old Slide software version.

I have installed my new “final” Slides last friday, they work perfectly and I love them 100%. However, I’ve discussed the API with Thijs and there are 2 options:
1- “Local” network API => requires to turn a hardware switch. Everything will still work if internet is down, but the official Slide app will not work
2- Cloud API => will work “out of the box”, but when internet is down, Homey won’t be able to control it. However, you can still use the official Slide app (if internet is working) and when internet doesn’t work, you can still pull the curtains manually (which now feels “oldschool”, unless you turned on “Touch & Go” which means you can pull it one bit and it will fully open or close).

At first I thought option 1 was the way to go, until I learned that the official app won’t work anymore. Then I thought option 2 was the way to go but I have yet to receive the API details.

It will just take a few days for me to finalize the Slide app for Homey from that moment on, but I can highly recommend the Slides. Even with my 2 left hands it took less than 15 minutes for me to install the Slide, and it feels like magic when you see your curtains move automagicly. I love it almost as much as I love Homey and Hue, I love it even more than my Nuki :slight_smile:

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