Homey 2.0.0 Community App Compatibility List

Thnx for this information. In the proclamation is stated that the api is available till 31-12’18.
So it is ending, but why doesn’t it work now? And what is the alternative?

It likely doesn’t work right now, because no one thought that it was worth the effort of updating the app for the 1 month it would be usable in experimental.

If you live in Australia, hit me up, I wrote an app which accesses the government

Bureau of Meteorology I was planning on adding fire etc.

Tado seems to be working. The device interface is not fully updated yet (missing some button labels), but not crashes so far.

No issue with device is not authorised? Tado doesn’t really works normal for 2 months in my setup.

No, it works fine as far as I can tell. After the latest app update, the device also shows 2 of the three labels in the “advanced” buttons (smart schedule etc.) I did do a fresh install of the devices after installing Homey 2.0, maybe that could help you as well?

Anyone tried the Honeywell Evohome (by Ralf van Dooren) yet?

The evohome doesn’t work as it should. I can read the temperature but can’t adjust it.

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That is a great reson, not to update the app :rofl:
I don’t live there, would like to…
Thnx for the information

It might just be a mater of time before the app stops working. I have to restart it a couple of times a day. Also flows with tado cards are not working for me.

Horizon ziggo does seem to work.

Stoped working.

Hello Martijn, i get a message that the onkyo app is incompatable with version 2. How did you install the app?

Hmm, I Will keep tracking the performance of tado. Let’s see.

Just out of interest do you see the outside temperature in the Home device? Mine just shows a bar.
Do you see the correct temperature for the hot water? Mine seems to always show 30 regardless of the current setting.

I did not reinstall it, it was pre-upgrade installed. Had to remove the device and readd it, but not the entire app.

Can we plz keep this topic to where it’s made for?

Hello Martijn.
Thank you, i will ask the owner of the app, because i cant install it anymore.

WILL delete next off-topic posts in here.

You can try openWeathermap 0.0.10 beta.

I will have a look at that.


seems to work

Is there anyone using Heimdall yet? If not does anyone know if they are working on this app?