Homey.ink, an e-ink Homey dashboard

[FAQ] about Homey.ink, an e-ink Homey dashboard

  • I found an small error in the original instructions, Start your local Server with serving the app folder:
    serve -p 5000 <Pathe-to-your-local-copy\homey.ink\app (or references don’t work…)

  • Then your local URL reference will look more like the online one, Remove the app/index.html from it, it will now be: (These two are reported to Athom, probably fixed :soon: Now:
    http://localhost:5000/?token=YOUR_TOKEN&theme=YOUR_THEME .

  • Both Kobo’s need a rotation, developing local in Chrome doesn’t, remove in the 11th line the 9 from the rotate(90deg) and you are done for local testing! replace it back before going to production :wink:
    -webkit-transform: rotate( *9* 0deg) translateX(180px) translateY(180px);

  • Trying the page from your device it needs the IP of your developing computer! Where localhost always point back to the computer you work on, I replaced it with the IP Address in the URL to test it from the Kobo. http://****:5000/?token=YOUR_TOKEN&theme=YOUR_THEME .

  • Then probably it will not work as your good protected Computer blocks it in the firewall and/or Windows Defender. Open an Powershell as Administrator and past, New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Enable Serve Inbound Port 5000" -Direction Inbound -LocalPort 5000 -Protocol TCP -Action Allow -Program "C:\program files\nodejs\node.exe" -Profile Any Now it should work (and saver than disabling the complete Firewall!)

  • Kobo themes use a rotation to support landscape presentation on the browser that by itself does not support rotation. See the line with -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg) in the /app/css/themes/[themename].css file.

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