Homey location

What is the distance Homey use for the home status of a family member, nextdoor neighbour?
Ik cannot find this info.

For me it’s around 100-200 m.

Hai, thank you for your reply. This what I hoped. Use this figure form y flows

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I’ve experienced about the same.

It can vary from day to day though.

If your driving home occasionally its not quick enough to react by the time you get to your driveway. This is rare most times. I can’t blame Homey though as you can cover 500M fairly quickly when driving at 60-70km a hour … I know this as I get Homey to turn on my carport light when ever I drive home from work every day …

Whenever I walk my dogs I keep my phone with me. Typically it seems to register just over 200M away while on foot …