Homey v2 "ask for confirmation" card broken?

I’m using the “ask for confirmation” card from the speech section in some of my flows, but this seems broken since v2?
Before homey asked me a question in my flows and waits for a speech response or timeout when no-one answered. Now however, this only works once, but at the same time where homey executes the action because of the time out, it also says it couldn’t reach the server and asks me to try again (although the server is perfectly reachable).
From this point on homey gets stuck in these flows and the speech output of Homey also doesn’t work anymore (possibly because it is stuck on the confirmation card in some kind of listening mode?).
Another flow always forwards all the things that homey says via Telegram so I can still see what Homey should have said, but in practice it doesn’t talk anymore and even the led ring doesn’t change orange when it should’ve talked. Testing a flow with confirmation card shows a loading icon on the card forever which makes me believe it is stuck on this card.
After a reboot everything works fine again, but once a flow with confirmation card triggers it happens all over again. The first time the flow works but Homey also says it can’t reach the server and from then on it will be stuck on these flows.

Any clue what could be going on?

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Let me guess: You have android 9?

I do, but is this related to the speech variant of “ask for confirmation” ?? I.e. not a push notification to my phone but a spoken question and an expected spoken response to Homey?

:thinking: sounds not logical
What do you see here if you type it?

When I test the flow Homey asks me for confirmation also on that site. When I reply yes on that site it says it doesn’t understand me, hence it seems it does not see yes as an answer but as a loose command?

Then you better file a but at : https://support.athom.com/hc/nl/requests/new
including a way Athom can see this for themselves…

Thanks! I’ll do that!

Speech / ask cards are degraded to experimental and have no support anymore.

Better replace the ask card with a push message for confirmation (? in dutch: stuur een push bevestigingsvraag). That works like a charm.

Thx for the suggestion! I only see two problems with this:

  • Other household members won’t be able to react to the questions when they go to my phone only
  • Apparently, as @bvdbos also mentions, these push notifications don’t work on android 9

Anyways, I’ll await response from Athom to my bug report and might think of another way of implementing my flows with ask cards.

Push confirmations are now working again with version 2.1.4! :partying_face:

And for this reason closed. If u want to re-open this topic please contact a moderator via PM.