Homeydash.com, a Homey dashboard

Hello again,

thanks Danee, it’s working now.
I’ve also seen that I had to give the value elements the id (value+device+capability) to get an auto updated value using your renderValues() method.

I just insert the thermostate code here, so can take some parts if you need it.
There is a small extention for the coloring of values. The value itself is changed by renderValues(), the color is changed inside the additional makeCapabilityInstance codes - inserted here to pevent changing the code on more lines than necessary.

	if(device.class == 'thermostat'){
		//		Temperatur anzeigen
		if ( device.capabilitiesObj && device.capabilitiesObj.measure_temperature 
				&& device.capabilitiesObj && device.capabilitiesObj.target_temperature ){
			var $tempM = document.createElement('div');
			$tempM.id = 'value:'+device.id + ":measure_temperature";
			//var $tempS = document.createElement('div');

			var integer = Math.floor(device.capabilitiesObj.measure_temperature.value)
			n = Math.abs(device.capabilitiesObj.measure_temperature.value)
			var decimal = Math.round((n - Math.floor(n))*10)/10 + "-"
			var decimal = decimal.substring(2,3)
			$tempM.innerHTML  = integer + "<span id='decimal'>"+decimal+"°</span><br/>"
			if (device.capabilitiesObj.measure_temperature.value <= device.capabilitiesObj.target_temperature.value) {
				$tempM.style.color = 'red';
				//$tempS.innerHTML = 'heating';
				//$tempS.style.color = 'red';
			  else {
				$tempM.style.color = 'blue';
				//$tempS.innerHTML = 'off';
				//$tempS.style.color = 'blue';

			var $tempT = document.createElement('div');
			$tempT.id = 'value:'+device.id + ":target_temperature";
			var integer = Math.floor(device.capabilitiesObj.target_temperature.value)
			n = Math.abs(device.capabilitiesObj.target_temperature.value)
			var decimal = Math.round((n - Math.floor(n))*10)/10 + "-"
			var decimal = decimal.substring(2,3)
			$tempT.innerHTML  = integer + "<span id='decimal'>"+decimal+"°</span><br/>"
			//eventhandler for temperature change
			//MeasureTemperature hast to be processed special because of coloring the value 
			//depending on measure/target values
			device.makeCapabilityInstance('measure_temperature', function(value){
				var $deviceElement = document.getElementById('device:' + device.id);
				if( $deviceElement ) {
					var $valueElement = document.getElementById('value:' + device.id + ":measure_temperature");
					if (device.capabilitiesObj.measure_temperature.value <= device.capabilitiesObj.target_temperature.value) {
						$valueElement.style.color = 'red';
					else {
						$valueElement.style.color = 'blue';
			device.makeCapabilityInstance('target_temperature', function(value){
				var $deviceElement = document.getElementById('device:' + device.id);
				if( $deviceElement ) {
					var $valueElement = document.getElementById('value:' + device.id + ":measure_temperature");
					if (device.capabilitiesObj.measure_temperature.value <= device.capabilitiesObj.target_temperature.value) {
						$valueElement.style.color = 'red';
					else {
						$valueElement.style.color = 'blue';
		//var $mode = document.createElement('div');
		if ( device.capabilitiesObj.eurotronic_mode_spirit ){
			if ( device.capabilitiesObj.eurotronic_mode_spirit.value == "Off" ){
				//$mode.innerHTML  = "Off";
				//$mode.style.color = 'red';
				$deviceElement.classList.toggle('on', false);
				//$mode.innerHTML  = "On";
				//$mode.style.color = 'green';
				$deviceElement.classList.toggle('on', true);

			//Click-Event for Icon for changing thermostate mode on touch/click
			$deviceElement.addEventListener('click', function() {
				if ( nameChange ) { return } // No click when shown capability just changed
				if ( longtouch ) {return} // No click when longtouch was performed
				if ( device.capabilitiesObj.eurotronic_mode_spirit.value == "Off" ){
					//$deviceElement.classList.toggle('on', true);
						deviceId: device.id,
						capabilityId: 'eurotronic_mode_spirit',
						value: 'Heat',
					//$deviceElement.classList.toggle('on', false);
						deviceId: device.id,
						capabilityId: 'eurotronic_mode_spirit',
						value: 'Off',
			//register eventhandler for mode change
			device.makeCapabilityInstance('eurotronic_mode_spirit', function(value){
				var $deviceElement = document.getElementById('device:' + device.id);
				if( $deviceElement ) {
					if ( device.capabilitiesObj.eurotronic_mode_spirit.value == "Off" ){
						$deviceElement.classList.toggle('on', false);
						$deviceElement.classList.toggle('on', true);