Homeydash.com, a Homey dashboard

There’s a new version available on the homeydash.com/beta/ location. The slider UI has been improved and some other capabilities where a slider would fit have gotten one.

Dimming a light

Setting a target temperature

Adjusting a volume

Also some small fixes, including the wacky temperature rounding (@anon2681894)


How’s the dim slider popup positioned?
my thermostat slider is way of the the left side of the screen :stuck_out_tongue: (about the middle is on the left side of the screen).
Other slider(s) are entirely on the screen but definitely not the middle.

It’s in an offset from the tile you select it for, it -should- be positioned in such a way so it doesn’t block the tile itself and also fit’s on the screen. So when you open it for a tile on the left side of the screen it should be openen to the right of it and if you open it for a tile on the right it should open on the left.
But you mean it is not entirely visible? Can you post a screenshot?

looks like the offset is a bit too much then, it’s 2 cards too far to the left.

Yeah, offset should be just a bit over the tile width. Haven’t seen such an offset on any device I tested.
What device is that?
What theme are you using?
How much did you zoom?

It’s an huawei (yup chinese spy tablet :P) android tablet.
Zoom doesn’t matter, that was one of the things i first guessed that it could be, it stays the same or gets worse when zooming and re-initiating the popup.
It’s the web theme.

When you swap the position of the Meterkast and Thermostaat, where does the slider open, left or right?
Does the width of the offset change when you change the position of the tile?
Do you know the resolution of the tablet?

:joy: i moved it over 2 spots to the left, as it didn’t do anything different with 1 position, and now it is reliant on what side i hold on to the square, if i hold on the right side it opens to the left, almost completely gone from the screen, if i press the left side it opens to the right :sweat_smile:
The offset to the left stays the same +/- 2 cards to the left, right side the offset is a nice 1 card width based on potion where i hold my finger.

resolution is 1920 x 1200.

Isn’t it just easier to have it in the middle of the screen? :stuck_out_tongue:

That was my initial idea, but when it opens over the tile you open it from it has some nasty side effect.
What happens when you use the iPad theme?

it has the same behaviour when using the iPad theme.

Here also on iPad 2 issues with positioning sliders. Every slider appears on another (sometimes invisible) place. Zoom 0 or zoom 100% does not change this…

Thnx for the temp fix <3

great work! im happy with this!

may I place a future request concerning somfy sunscreen, a pop up screen that you can select whether it should be opened or closed.

Is it possible to ‘dim’ a fibaro roller shutter in the beta?

@Caseda, @anon2681894 I’ll look into it.

@Robin_Ros, @Mark_Homey I’d have to look into what capability is used by the devices you mention.


For the beta release:

  • If I select a device which is slider capable in the middle of the screen, the slider goes for 3/4 part outside he left part of my screen (7" android tablet in landscape).
  • after selecting some devices and sliders and back/forward, I noticed that the name of the 2th device was changed in a name of anther slider. Refreshing the page by pressing the user icon in upper right corner solved it.
  • How do I rearrange the devices and flows in dashboard?

In the app on your phone you can rearrange them under favorites.

Yeah, that one I know and have used. But it is specific mentioned as new feature in the beta of Homeydash, so I suspect that there is another way, otherwise it is not worth to mention in release notes, but for in a “manual”. Right?

Not sure now, I know how to exchange flows with alarms and devices through settings button in Homeydash:


Not sure whether (or how) it should be possible to rearrange devices without using the favorites from the official app.

Aha, thanks! I was blind, I saw a picture, but did not realize (or tried) I could press on the buttons in the picture :blush: