Homeydash.com, a Homey dashboard

And u set the ‘target_temperature’ ?

Not sure what you mean. For the virtual device I use this flow which works in the homey app.
And this is the flow to populate the virtual device:

In homeydash I can only cycle through the actual and set temp, I don’t get a slider or some sort.

Whoops, moved to homey.ink topic.

%20 as in URL’s?

Think i found it, try ‘half bewolkt’

Oh, yeah, not very sharp of me, it was about the code.
I was referring to the use of the filename itself in some code, but that is not the case.

How did you do that on the temperature sensors it shows you the temperature, humidity and other values ​​at once, for me only one value shows either temperature or humidity

That is because he was posting in the wrong topic. This topic is all about the online version and he moved his post to the correct topic.

OK thanks


Does anyone know how to put a live weather background. Like when its raining outside then it’s also raining in the background or if it’s cloudy out then there is moving clouds in the background.


Also Major thx to DaneedeKruyff and anyone else who has supported this app/Dash, This was my first stop after buying Homey.

I had my google nest hub working perfectly with a refresh of the website vast every 550 seconds. Now it appears that the nest only casts for one minute approximately. Anybody else who experienced this?

Still working here, I use 450 sec.

More people will experience this. Fuchsia is rolling out to Google nest hubs which will cause the issue of not working anymore.

Do you guys have any plans to implement more things to it? Like I would love to have device groups. Like a box with all the lights in etc.

Or does anyone have a link/guide for another dashboard to do this? I don’t have any other always-on device to run homeassistant.

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I use Homeydash on an Ipad2 with Ulli browser (this can run in full screen mode on IOS9.3.5). A few days back it cannot load homeydash anymore - “certificate for this server is invalid”. On Safari it works OK but unfortunately not full screen. Ulli can load other pages without problem.

Is there a way to resolve above issue on my old stuff?

Ulli browser most likely uses it’s own certificate store which isn’t correct, there is nothing wrong with the certificate on homeydash.com, you can check it here: https://www.digicert.com/help/

Look ik you can update the expired let’s encrypt root

Probably you have in that browser issue also on this test site

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Many thanks for your advices, I try to follow them.

Thanks for adding that, I was refering to that (but only in my head not in writing😜)

Love it! However, it would be even greater if I could also display another webpage in a part of the screen. This way I could, for instance, show a live image of an IP Camera.
Are there any plans for this kind of extra functionality?

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Love to see that 2