
Once again: Homeykit cannot access the settings of the Fibaro app. So it has no idea that the direction should be inverted.

The location in the Fibaro app where the inversion is handled apparently doesn’t get called when another app (like Homeykit) changes the value of the dim capability. That’s something that needs to be fixed in Homey’s core.

Alternatively, you may be able to use a virtual device to invert the direction manually. Instead of controlling the Fibaro device from Homekit directly, you control the virtual device, and with flows you can have it pass the inverted value back to the Fibaro device.

Now we’re talking - thank you. I though of these solutions but both are a bit cumbersome. Hoped for a software solution/support from the end - that Homeykit actually can pull the inversion like it pulls other values. Will probably end up taking the Roller Shutters out again and switch the cables to avoid different virtual devices.

I just want to confirm that homeykit works great in both ios 13.1 and ipad os ! I would also like to tell everybody that the apple home app used in splitscreen with the ios calendar app for example, is the best dashboard for a tablet that i have found ! This is awesome.


Can I? :thinking::scream:
I tried to receive the status of temp via a shortcut and it works. But when I want Siri to talk and say the value he just says „OK“ as this seems to be the result that’s given back (saying that the Webhook has been done successfully).
Any idea how to make him (I am using a male Siri) say the temperature of a room sensor (Xiaomi) ? :thinking:

Do not ask for a specific device.
Ask Sir “What is the temperature in living room” e.g.

I did; but as HomeyKit doesn’t handover the temp sensors to HomeKit correctly it’s not possible to get the correct value from Siri.

In what way doesn’t it?

What does it mean

Did you ty to create a virtual (temperature) device, link it to the Xiaomi. And add the VD instead of the Xiaomi to homekit.

Believe it or not - NOW it works! :joy::man_shrugging:
However - The sensor is recognised as 2 sensors, shown as one. When entering the details it shows 2, clicking on it reveals them finally (see pics).

I tried to ask Siri and it works for the temperature though not for humidity.

Honestly? No I didn’t. :grin:

Okay okay okay - Dunno why and what happened - but guys - it works now!!
I am not that stoopd as it appears right now and really spent time and effort into it … but both works now, flawless.
Perhaps iOS13 fixed it somehow. But. It. Works! :joy::joy::clap:t3::man_shrugging:

Ser strålande ut, funderar med på en sådan lösning :slight_smile:

Is it normal that the HomeyKit app needs more than 60 MB of RAM?!
App v3.0.13
homey v3.0.0 rc17

An Homey App should not use more than 30MB of memory.

At the Homey Developer page this is what is see when i look at the memory usage of an app.

I think, also Athom isn’t aware about that.
Because the Philips Hue App use also 60MB in average?!

My Philips Hue app uses a steady 23.4 mb (performance @ developer.athom.com)

app Philips Hue v4.2.0 | Athom b.v.
Homey v2.5.2

app Philips Hue v4.2.0 | Athom b.v.
Homey v3.0.0 rc17

More devices means more memory usage, especially for an app like Homeykit which has to be able to handle all devices on the system.

The “An Homey App should not use more than 30MB of memory” remark is more of a pointer and not so much a hard or imposed limit.

Ok, that means with 75 Devices (HomeyKit) and a memory usage of over 60MB, there is nothing to be worry about it?

But withhin the Philips Hue App I only have 32 Devices. Is this already a lot?!

As long as the memory usage doesn’t increase over time without having added new devices, it’s (relatively) okay. Of course, more apps also means more memory, and at some point you may run into the limits of Homey. That’s where a Homey Pro would be preferential, with twice the amount of RAM.

I already use a homey pro and the memory usage is over 80%! Ok I have 40 Apps installed. So more or less the limit is already reached!