Intergas incomfort (LAN2RF gateway) connection

I have a heater at home. It’s the Intergas incomfort that uses a LAN2RF gateway to connect the heater to the Internet. I would like to know how can I control the heater using Homey? There seams to be absolutely nobody on the Internet who has done this so I’m hoping someone here can tell me.

There are OpenHAB and PiMatic implementations, but someone needs to port one of those to Homey.

Best is to ask in the relevant topic.

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(Deze handleiding had ik in Tweakers gevonden)
Alleen de link waar deze handleiding op staat werkt niet meer, dus heb ik het als plaatjes bijgevoegd.

Ik ben geen expert , maar met de HTTP Request App kan je dus je heater aanspreken m.b.v. bovenstaande handleiding.

Better Logic gebruik ik voor de benodigde berekeningen voor bovenstaande formules.
En Virtual Devices zodat je een virtuele heater kan aanmaken.

Het was best wel ff gedoe en zoeken in het begin, maar zolang er nog geen echte Homey App is, doe ik het zo.

Edit: Oops forgot to put this all in English, if people want I’ll translate…

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is hier inmiddels een handigere optie voor?

The translation of Victor’s post:
(I found this manual in Tweakers)
Only the link with this manual no longer works, so I’ve added it as pictures.

I am not an expert, but with the HTTP Request App you can address your heater using above manual.

I use Better Logic for the necessary calculations for the above formulas.
And Virtual Devices so you can create a virtual heater.

It was quite a bit of hassle and searching in the beginning, but as long as there is no real Homey App yet, I will do it like this.

@Victor_dB , I have a question about your solution. I installed the HTTP Request App and Virtual Devices, but I can’t get it coded the right way. Do you have an example for us?

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We zijn inmiddels een paar maanden verder en ik ben er toch weer eens ingedoken. Ik heb het nu werkend en ik heb voor diegenen die hier ook naar op zoek zijn een handleiding gemaakt waarin helemaal uitgewerkt staat hoe ik het heb gedaan. Daarnaast kan het voor andere doeleinden ook nog een behulpzame leidraad zijn.

Edit (27-11-2023): Voor diegenen die een Homey Pro (Early 2023) hebben. De “HTTP request” app is daarvoor niet beschikbaar of die werkt niet meer. Naar aanleiding van een vraag ben ik wat verder gaan kijken en heb uiteindelijk een advanced flow kunnen maken met behulp van Logica (Logic), welke standaard in de Homey zit. Onderaan heb ik een screenshot van de betreffende flow toegevoegd.

We’re a few months further now, and I’ve dived into it once again. I have it working now, and I’ve created a guide for those who are also looking for this, detailing exactly how I did it. Additionally, it can also serve as a helpful guide for other purposes.

Edit (27-11-2023): For those who have a Homey Pro (Early 2023), the “HTTP request” app is not available or no longer functional. In response to a question i got, I took a closer look and ultimately managed to create an advanced flow using Logic, which is built into Homey by default. Below, I have added a screenshot of the relevant flow.


You could also use this if you have the gateway.

If it isn’t working please let me know.

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Ouch! I thought there was no app for incomfort at all, has this app only recently been online? Oh, this was a waste of my time :joy: Thanks anyway

It was published yesterday, so it’s new

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It works perfectly! Will test it further! Is there a possibility to add the status? Standby, tap water, central heating etc? Thanks for all the effort!

There is a status for the burner, the tap and the pump. When the pump is on, I think the central heating is being circulated.

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Wow I was happy to see that there’s finally an app for it, but when I want to add my Incomfort Gateway I get an error. See my screenshots. Anybody else has had this? After login I can choose 2 “Gateways”, maybe this has to do with the fact that I have an Intergas Xtreme + an Intergas Xtend (hybrid heatpump)? Even if I deselect one of them, I still get the error.

Edit: Now I see that @sorted.bits is the developer, so hopefully you can help me with this :grinning:

I waited almost a year for this :partying_face:

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I meant display code my mistake.

displ_code: <value>,
51='tapwater int.'
240='boiler int.'
15='boiler ext.'
153='postrun boiler'
102='central heating'
231='postrun ch'
37='central heating rf'

Hey, if you log into the developer console for Homey, using : Homey Developer Tools and you search for the Intergas device, you are able to see it’s settings in the list.

What does it say for updateInterval there for you? Make sure to blur out your IP and password please, not sure if you want that leaked.

Hey @Patrique and @Trekhaak ,

If you wouldn’t mind being my guinea pig, here is a new test version, with both the status codes and also a fix for the updateInterval message, I hope.

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Hey Wim, I’m going to try it, no problem. I’m used to run beta versions on several machines :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s nog possible, because I don’t even get that far, so there isn’t an Intergas device installed. I just tested 1.0.3 and i’m still getting this error:

This is my heaterlist, I got 2. One is my Xtend Hybrid heatpump (the 2212…), the other one is my Extreme CV (2301…)

Thanks for testing so quick. I wonder what ‘invalid_setting_type’ means. Could you maybe expand a bit on what type of Homey, software version, etc? Let me try to get some extra logging in there, so that I can see what your gateway is responding to you.

I will post a new version to test in a bit!