[APP] Trust Smart Home (Dutch: KlikAan KlikUit) by Athom

Not sure we look at the same,

I can use the buttons as triggers and they work. and I didn’t test the Gong yet but I can use it in flows the way I expect…

And they (Athom Developers) changed something with 4.0.0 (I Guess) but it is imo corrected in 4.0.13 or .14!
KAKU sells two variants (the ACDB-6600 xx with a Gong on Battery the ACDB-7000 xx with a Gong on mains (AC ~230Volt)) both in separate Devices and sets, this gives the product the suffix.
(About the sufixes in the App I agree they are not correct… see below.)

The ACDB-7000A is a Pushbutton (transmitter) in the 4.0.13 Paring wizard called a ACDB-7000C Remote.
The ACDB-7000B is a transmitter for an existing button (with two wires) physical different but also a Remote.
The ACDB-7000C is a Gong (Receiver) in the 4.0.13 Paring wizard called a ACDB-7000C.
The same for the battery powered Gong (ACDB-6600)
Sets of Transmitter and receiver are sold as AC or BC
The B transmitter of both looks best as the 6600 Remote in de pairing wizard, the A remote best as the 7000C-remote in the pairing wizard (or just google for your images!)

It still IS possible to learn your receiver the signal of your remote (Transmitter) but not necessary.

Pairing (on KAKU App 4.0.13 or later!) a pushbutton with the -Remote device result in a device that can be used in the When… column. But you cant use it in the Then… column as that doesn’t make sense for a button.
Pairing the 6000 or 7000C (the Gongs) can be done by copying a previous learned remote signal (if you want a direct connection between the button and a Gong, independent of Homey’s functioning ) or generating a new Signal. (Then 7000C receiver has only 4 Memory places to learn a different remotes.)

It is different than previous implementation where one device could be used as trigger and as activator, but i think they are separate and can be used as separate device.

If the gong is still available in Homey you only have to pair the remote.
Just if you paired before and still have porblems, remove them from Homey and Re-pair both and check your Flows!!
(I guess a: Sorry for the inconvenience but this is a better solution for most of the users…)

(just for the picture showing two cards in the Trigger column, this is not possible to save!)

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