Lidl device Zigbee

Some Lidl new products available here in Slovakia. Wall lamp: LIVARNOLUX® LED nástenná lampa Zigbee Smart Home Best -

LED bar: LIVARNOLUX® Svetelná lišta s LED diódami Zigbee Smart Home -

Decorative LED lamp: LIVARNOLUX® LED dekoratívne svietidlo Zigbee Smart Home -

Wall lamp: LIVARNOLUX® LED závesné svietidlo Zigbee Smart Home -

Wall lamp: LIVARNOLUX® Stropné LED svietidlo Zigbee Smart Home -

Bell button: SILVERCREST® Bezkáblový zvonček na dvere Zigbee Smart Home 1 -


Just updated to V5 firmware and cannot install Lidl app, says incompatible app version. Anyone can help?

Switched to Tuya app and Lidl devices work ok. Now I have to create a flow in order to make Lidl motion sensor switch on the light for 2 minutes

Great latest update, I can now change the light temprature on one bulb Lidl E27, but i have one more witch is is not working. and 3 GU10 not working. only cool ligt tempratur. i don´t get any failure notice when change in homey app. Have tried disconnet bulb and installed again, no solution. also disconnect from power.

I’m currently trying to add the RGB lightstrip to the app but it keeps telling me to power on the device for it to go into pairing mode. It doesn’t seem to be doing so. Anyone having the same issues?

Do you need Homey pro in order to gt this to work?


I’m new to Homey and I’m still trying to understand things.
If I buy the Lidl products do I need to buy also the Lidl hub and then connect the hub to Homey or they will just work because Homey supports ZigBee?
Thank you for your answer.

Thank you RoyWissenburg for the kind answer.

1 Like


Just bought a Lidl bulb. It is supposed to be RGB but nothing execpt on/off work with Homey. Tiresome… any chance for support for this one:

  "ids": {
    "modelId": "TS0505A",
    "manufacturerName": "_TZ3000_dbou1ap4"
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        "endpointId": 1,
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        "applicationDeviceVersion": 0,
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        "applicationProfileId": 41440,
        "applicationDeviceId": 97,
        "applicationDeviceVersion": 0,
        "_reserved1": 0,
        "inputClusters": [],
        "outputClusters": [
    "endpoints": {
      "1": {
        "clusters": {
          "basic": {
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      "242": {
        "clusters": {},
        "bindings": {}

After the bulb has been powered on for several hours, it just works. I remember this was the case with the lightstrip as well. Very strange, but it works.

1 Like

I have 2 Lidl bulbs, they worked since the beginnig once installed, just pressing the INTERVIEW button in Homey Developer->Tools->Zigbee

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Will the irrigation computer work with this app?

Is it still not working?

Is WHAT still not working? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The Lidl water system

Please be aware that the water computer is defaulted to switch off, after 1 minute.
If you want to change this, you need to connect it to the Lidl Hub, and change the defaulted switch off, to another value. Then you can discard the Lidl Hub again…

Hi, I just bought Lidl Livarno Lux RGBW LED stripe. I am not able to change colors. Only on/off/dimm is working. Tried apps Lidl Smart Home, Tuya ZigBee and generic ZigBee device under homey app, but it assign device under Lidl Smart Home app.
Do you face the same problem? Any suggestions please?
Thank you.

I have the same problem with the Lidl products not responding to anything except on/off and dimming. Honestly I’m getting really fed up with the instability of the ZigBee implementation in Homey.

Sounds like you added the device as a generic Zigbee device and not a specific Lidl device.