MQTT Full HD Camera for Homey

The public beta for the INSTAR MQTT service started today. This firmware update adds a full-fledged MQTT broker to your Full HD camera, allowing you to directly connect it to your Homey gateway. You can find a short introduction to this service here:

Homey + MQTT IP Kamera

Homey + MQTT IP Camera

For all other functions - like adding a live image to the Homey dashboard or using Homey as an Alarmserver for your camera - please refer to our previous post:

MQTT Alarmserver

It is now also possible to be notified through MQTT when your camera triggers an alarm. All you need is to subscribe to the alarmserver topic status/alarm/triggered to trigger your Homey flows:

Use your camera as a Motion Sensor and trigger Actions inside Homey.


And yes - you can use TLS encryption for the MQTT communication between your camera and your Homey gateway. All you need to do is to add the MQTT TLS port instead of the regular port and check the following two options in the MQTT configuration: