MQTT Hub/Gateway

Well… I’ve made a “hack” to resolve the issue. It works but it’s not pretty.

I capture the MQTT scentence in a flow, and push it to a HomeyScript.

This script searches for the light and changes the hue:
(Example topic string: “homey/lights/light-name/set 360”)

let devices = await Homey.devices.getDevices(); 
function CleanName(NameToChange) { //Removes spaces, - and _
var NewName=NameToChange
  return NewName.replace(/_/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, '').replace(/-/g, '').toLowerCase();   

var topic=args[0]; //retrieve argument
var LightName=CleanName(topic.split("/")[2]); //distilling light name
var HueValue=parseInt(topic.split("set ")[1])/360; //converting 360 degree string to 0-1 float

_.forEach(devices, device => { //search trough devices for light name
     if (CleanName( {
       device.setCapabilityValue('light_hue', HueValue);  // set the hue;