[APP][PRO] Outdoor AirQuality Monitor (Luftdaten)

To make 1 device that shows the ‘best’ source for each pollutant has some drawbacks for me.

  1. It requires significant rewrite of the app
  2. who decides what is the ‘best source’?
  3. I have plans to add another source that reports more then 10 different pollutants. (Not sure how that is related though :joy:)

Ad 1. I admit it would make life easier for users to simply add one device in stead of a couple. But how bad is it really having to add 3 devices in stead of 1? And it gives more control to the user to manually pick a service/station (see ad 2).

Ad 2. When taking values from different stations and different data providers, what do the different numbers then mean? E.g. my pm2.5 could e.g. be from 1km away in a field and updated every minute, while my pm10 and CO are from 8km away next to a highway, updated once an hour. How would you interpret the data, and how would you use it in flows? When having a seperate device per physical station you would at least see the coherence from that particular site.

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Well with “best” I do mean the nearest. I would never know what is actually the best. I Asume the data is correct.

When i use the AQmonitor data the nearest station for the 2.5/10 is 8 km away. However when i use the new luftdaten its just 1.5 km with a station in my own hometown. So my Ideal situation would be that the AQmonitor combines the luftdaten for the 2.5/10 and the rest of the options with the current source.

And again … i’m very happy with your app :+1: … so if not possible … its not possible.

No worries, I love the discussion! So keep coming up with ideas!

For this topic though it is simply too much work for me to implement, and with (for me) questionable benefits.

Belgian news article on pm2.5 and pm10. For non Dutch speakers some of the content loosely translated:
A rise of 10 ug/m3 pm2.5 or pm10 gives a significant rise of deaths due to heart and long disease. European health standards say there should be less then 35 days a year with over 50ug/m3 pm10. It is advisable not to do intensive sports during days with peak values.

So I guess a Homey flow could be:
If pm10 > 50
And Ingrid is at home
Then postpone sexy time

For now I have nothing to worry about :kissing_heart:

I’m trying to add 2 stations close to me from the waqi source but somehow it’s not picking up data even after waiting 24hrs and lowering the scanning interval.
Is it locked to country locale? I’ve added a generic device then change the lat long based on the info from waqi but doesn’t seem to be working. Neither does changing my location on Homey to somewhere near the desired source location as it still picks up my original location…

I’m living at the edge of my home country Singapore and the 2 other station near to where I stay are at a neighbouring country in Johor Malaysia.

I’ve added the station showing 102 but trying to add the further 2 sources up north across the purple line…

Hi @viix, The stations are not locked to country. It just finds the nearest in a certain range.

I checked on the aqicn map and found the problem.

Stations 102, 65 and 95 have pm2.5, pm10, O3, SO2 and CO.
But stations 85 and 78 do not provide this data. So that is why it stays blank in Homey. So I guess you need to pick the closest station that does have data.

You can also check if LuftDaten has a station more close to you: https://maps.luftdaten.info/#11/1.4016/103.8936

If you’re interested, look up what the WHO (World Health Organisation) uses as acceptable levels. It’s about half of European health standards :mask:

ah I see! Thanks! I’ve been polling the AQI instead of the PM2.5…
Just wondering if the API doesn’t provide the pm2.5, would it be correct to use the AQI information in the pm2.5 since most AQI data is derived from it? Would it be possible to integrate that in the app?

I have no intention to use the aqi index at the moment. Because the way the index is calculated differs between service providers and is not standardized.

got it! Thanks!

Great app, if you ever get the time flow condition for when a value is “safe, warning, danger” would be cool :slight_smile: but regardless great work.

Maybe I am too impatient but I am trying to add one Luftdaten sensor which I set up earlier today. Can find it through the maps.luftdaten.info site but just get a 30000ms time out in Homey (there are no other Luftdaten sensors nearby). Is something wrong or will it be searchable in the app after some time?

Hi @rindler, I just tried and am also getting a timeout. I think luftdaten must have changed something in the API. Could you post an issue on GitHub? If I have some time I can dig into this.


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I just created a new version 1.3.0 that solves the LuftDaten problem. LuftDaten changed their API because they changed it to https://sensor.community

The new version can be installed from here in testing:


Cool! Works just perfect. Have one sensor myself installed on the same wifi as Homey. Is that found directly or is it also through the API? Am asking since three sensors with the same information appears, one saying @Homey, one @Homey_with_indoor and one @67m.

It all goes through the api, so no direct local link. The one @67m must be your own :wink:. The other two are automatically generated by my app, and will always use the nearest data it can find.

Okey, then I get it. Yes, they’re all the same sensor. Thanks for the fix!

New version 1.3.1 is coming up in the app store soon. It fixes some issues with Luftdaten.

If you cannot wait for Athom to approve it, get it here now: https://homey.app/a/com.gruijter.openaq/test/


New version 1.3.2 is coming up in the app store. It fixes OpenAQ. They changed their API.

Test version can already be downloaded here: https://homey.app/a/com.gruijter.openaq/test/

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