[Archived][APP][Pro] OpenWeatherMap

Something like this? Questionmark is tag zonsopkomst.

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Amazing work Anne, thank you!

Can somebody please answer this newbie question.
With current weather I get an hourly update, in which, I believe, the variable Rain gives me the mm of rain in the last hour. Is there a way to get the rain of the last 24h, or the cumulative rain in mm today from 00:00 till now?

This flow is working, but not for all timestamps.

The app gives a timestamp from 0:35 but it has to be 00:35 to let this work correctly.

Is there a way to convert the hours to 2 digits?

Good question. I really dont know.

Did you figure it out?

Possible to change to m/s?

In the “rain” option i only have rain, is it possible to find “light rain” also somewhere?

Hi @anne,

Would it be possible to add the air pollution to the app? I see on the free plan of OpenWeatherMap that this information is available.

Maybe I overlooked the answer but what is the status to add UV index, dew point and feels like temp. to the app?

Already 3 weeks and my rain status didn’t update.
It’s been raining cats & dogs.
Any tips?

As far I understand is the rain status the amount per hour. After a hour this number is set to 0 and the counting starts over again. I miss the part: Total Rain per day als wel.
I could not even find this information on the OpenWeatherMap site or in de API.

You’re right. Total rain per day can be calculated by summing up every hour. Unfortunately sometimes it’s not exactly an hour for each trigger.

But with my current situation, I don’t get the rain in mm anymore. The status sometimes goes to rain, but the amount stays 0.

Perhaps something wrong in the API or a change in the API?

I hope the developer can check this out.

I understand what you mean. I see the same behavior.
In my previous post I asked the developer of the app for a status update. But so far no reply. :sweat_smile:

Does this work for anyone anymore?
It seems there is zero follow-up here
I’m not getting current rain in mm for the past months.

@Rrrr @RobvandeGoor
I didn’t notice the current rain % keeps zero regardless if it’s raining.
You can always drop @anne a line, and Openweathermap is on Github
I just filed an issue there for this.

I checked Insights, and this is not correct indeed. And about the 24hr forecast, I think the values are not realistic, see screenshots

@anne: I saw on the openweathermap.org site that there is also another api: https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/onecall?lat={lat}&lon={lon}&exclude={part}&appid={API key}
It adds a few extra attributes to the weather data compared with the other api’s.
Any change this possibility will be added to the app?

@CorvanderNiet Which one do you mean? Your 2nd link returns: Invalid API key
Guess u mean this one?

One Call API

  • Make one API call and get current, forecast and historical weather data
  • Minute forecast for 1 hour
  • Hourly forecast for 48 hours
  • Daily forecast for 7 days
  • Historical data for 5 previous days
  • National weather alerts
  • JSON format
  • Available for both Free and paid subscriptions

This is stated in the readme.nl.txt about Onecall API:
Onecall API (nieuw)

Dit is een tabel met data voor zowel het huidige weer als de voorspelling voor de komende uren en dagen. De tabel bevat ook data met de UV index en de gevoelstemperatuur. In de huidige versie van de app zit alleen data voor het huidige weer, in komende versie zullen ook de voorspellingen toegevoegd worden.

Een kleine nudge, of een bier / koffie donatie helpt misschien, Cor :wink:

Thats the one.

If you fill XXX with latitude, YYY with longitude en ZZZ with a working api-key it will work

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Since I don’t use Homey anymore (and haven’t been using it for years now…) I am not doing any development for Homey apps anymore, and by now I am pretty sure I am not going to anymore. I have asked whether any other developers were interested in taking over the OWM app (no response).

A couple of notes:

  • Last thing I did was add basic OneAPI support, I think this is in the test version. Using the OneAPI properly requires a re-write of the app, but you could then for instance make flow cards in which you can specify what time you want the forecast for. This way you would only ever need to install the OneAPI OWM instance for all forecasts.

  • I added some capabilities a while ago (such as snow measurements), however it requires re-pairing to get the capability included.

Anyway, that’s for someone else to look at.

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Oww didn’t know this Anne. Thanks for your reply and info.

Thx for the app, and all the work you put into it. I used to use it for a long time.

Some while ago i made a little Homeyscript to retrieve weatherdata. Openweather is one of the api’s i use. For those who are interested check this link