Remeha Gateway 16 (opentherm)

Having problems connecting the Remeha Opentherm Gateway to the app OpenTherm Gateway of Ramon Baas.
The gateway works with the wifi connection and the Remeha E-Twist. Conecting to Homey app OpenTherm gatewat doesn’t work and it keeps “searching”

Anyone experience with the Remeha Gateway 16 or other way to connect te Remeha Etwist to Homey.
IFTTT is not the way, not enough possibilities.

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Hi everyone,

Does anyone has an solution to connect the Remeha etwist to Homey?

I’ve downloaded the opentherm app and now I’ve to connect the OTGW. How do I find the network settings of this? I did the setup of the etwist with a fixed IP adres but I don’t know the correct port?


Hi, did anyone find a way to integrate the e-twist with Homey? I do see another topic with people that made it work using IFTTT, but that is now ridiculously expensive and I don’t want anything to do with it anymore :-).

Also curious about this. Getting an e-twist, so if this could work, that would be great.

Is someone using the Remeha E-twist with the new app in Homey pro 23