See all actual temperatures in 1 overview

The app is available in the store by now.

For anyone installed via CLI: You need to manually uninstall the ‘old’ app (I changed the namespace).


Great app, Thanks.
I am wondering if it is possible to use it as a device for not having to go to the app-page to watch all temperatures?

Nope, that’s not possible…

I hope, maybe, far from now (or :soon: :tm: in the words of Athom), there will be an apps page within the mobile app, so these kind of Homey apps don’t have to be hacked into the app settings…

Ok. Do you know if it is possible to display a temperature on an icon? I mean seeing the temperature directly on the icon without having to go inside the device by pressing on the icon to enter the device?

No, as far as I know that’s not (yet) possible.

My guess is the temperature displayed on some devices is related to the measure_temperature capability. I don’t know if you can create a virtual device, which does mimic this capability from a variable?

Nice! Thanks.

Not measured temperature, but the target temperature, the one thermostats use.

@HarriedeGroot again, great work.

So fast.

I like Homey a lot. The community is great.

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Nice!!! Harrie

Very Very nice :ok_hand:t2:

Just build another one, for lights & sockets this time:

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Just submitted a new version of the Temperature Monitor to the app store (waiting for approval).
Source can be found here.

Version 2.0.4

  • Added custom device temperatures

Version 2.0.3

  • Added mean zone temperature calculation
  • Styling

Version 2.0.2

  • Added search
  • Grouped devices by zone/room
  • Ordered devices & zones by name
  • Improved live updates


truly impressive work

Very useful utility. Hopefully Athom will provide a way to get to it from the home screen instead of the long-winded way it has to be at the moment.

One feature request: Can you have an option to exclude devices? I have a few z-wave modules that can have option temperature sensors. I don’t have them fitted so I see the first block of devices with no temperature display. Or auto exclude items that don’t have a reading.

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Version 2.0.4 is available in the app store by now.

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@Adrian_Rockall Good idea: excluding devices is added to the list :slight_smile:

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Available in the store now.

@Adrian_Rockall It contains your request to hide devices :slight_smile:

Version 2.0.6

  • Added config to show/hide devices
  • Added German translation
  • BUG fix in error handling of api calls
  • Athom api upgrade (2.1.178)

Available in the store

Version 2.0.5

  • small styling fix
  • updated readme

Great app!

Question as i’m very new to Homey (as replacement for my HomeWizard).
To see all my temp sensors I have to go to the app list select the temp app and then configure the app. Is there a better to way to show it. I would love to have it on the main screen or one button to go to it. Rgrds.

I would love that too…

