Setting Ring features from Homey using the Ring App

Can you set features in Ring from Homey. When I go to bed I would like to enable certain Ring devices motion settings.

There are flow cards to enable and disable motion on the Ring device.

Great. Can you point me to them, or show some examples?

Apologies. I see them.

So I’m lucky, you do support the Ring Pro and the Stickup Cam that I have.
I also have a an indoor cam, one of their latest, a small cylindrical device. It was added OK but I see that it comes up as incompatible for the snapshot so I’ll try and see if I can I can set/reset motion detection.

Any idea if this device is likely to be supported in future?

You should ask the developer , @denniedegroot is the guy you need. Please have a look at his issue page of the ring app and see if the request isn’t already there:

Thanks. Looks like it has already been requested.

I am trying to switch on my porch lights when there is motion on my Ring Pro doorbell at night. I have set up a test flow to simply send me a message when motion is turned on but it is not working. Should I send you a diagnostic report? I restart all my Apps every night, but I haven’t removed it and reinstalled.

Try making a flow that enables motion detection and run that.
The motion feature is independent for each connection so just switching it on in the Ring app doesn’t enable it for Homey.

Thanks. Did that but I get an error. Maybe I need to deauthorize and re-authourise the Ring App?

Worth a try. I just double checked and the flow is still working for me. Maybe the error you see in the flow is also preventing the notification.

What is often do when I for example don’t get any pictures anymore is removing and adding my chime. It then reauthenticates.

Thanks for the tip. Do you mean remove your chime from the ring App, or from Homey?


| Martijn_Hoogenbosch
May 6 |

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What is often do when I for example don’t get any pictures anymore is removing and adding my chime. It then reauthenticates.

As a device from homey.

That worked, but I also ended up having to remove the front door Ring Pro and reading it. It now all works. Thanks for the help.

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Well, it did work somewhat. Do you need to run the “enable motion” workflow again after a motion has been detected? or is it a time thing so you need to run it once an hour or so.

When I enable motion it works when motion detected but then it doesn’t work the second time.

It should only be required once. I can’t remember the last time I had to run it as it was so long ago.

All good now