TADO app stops working

The language is different :slight_smile:

Iā€™m missing your last 3 items: (but I have no Solar device )

Edit: These 3 items are under a different Tab, called House !!

Hmm, they seem to be the old ones, and House is not available in the new version so everything is under thermostat.
I think if you remove the devices and re-add them then you will be in the same position as me.

Any one having the same as me with v3.1.3: that on newly added zones the set mode card isnā€™t doing anything? I try to turn the zone off, but nothing happens. Also, used to be I could choose between ā€œoff till I change itā€ and ā€œoff till next smart scheduleā€. Donā€™t know how to do that anymore.

Thats the test version, I still use the 3.0.10 version currently on Homey version 6.0 without problems.

I am still on v3.0.10 on Homey v6 too. There are just to many flow cards lacking in the new testversion (v3.1.4 currently). Had contact with Athom about it and they admit there are problems with the new Tado app.
I wonā€™t update before the version where I can select the Smart Schedule againā€¦

It is possible to do that in the new version with the Set Mode - Program card.

I did try the test version also and have send advise to Athom, also about a migration/conversion support to new tado app. They did listen and have programmed already improvements.

Still missing one IF flow card to know which mode is active (smart/manual/ā€¦)

You can very well be right. Sorry, my post needed a bit more clearification.
Thereā€™s a problem with updating the app, as Athom has told me.
Updating to the new testapp gives me only these 4 THEN flowcards:

Athom advised me to completely delete the Tado app and re-install it and adding the Tado devices after. That would give me all the flowcards back. That would (in my opinion and case) mean too much reconfiguration.
The other option is to wait for another testversion on which, as they said, Athom is working.

So I decided for the latter, as there is no functionality which I am missing right now.

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Athom added addCapability and removeCapability methods to the driver, so tey should me able to convert the old zones to the new situation. I really hope they will before it goes live, because this way it is definitely not backward compatible and fixing all flows will be a lot of work.

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Thank you so much much posting, took me 2 evenings of searching to find it. My Homey is V1 and turns out the Tado app doesnā€™t work with V1! not sure whatā€™s going on there!.
Anyway this works works fine so far for me and has finally brought Tado back into Homey again. Very pleased thank you. :slight_smile:

What is that, V1?

Sorry i meant V1 as in not Homey pro.

Well donā€™t be sorry. Itā€™s very confusing anyway!

Ah. I didnā€™t hear of this type before :wink:
Hereā€™s also someone with a V1 and Tado works on it

Spoiler alert: his V1 is a Homey pro/ball/kĆ¼gel/sphere