Turing Complete with flows!?

Indeed, there is no way with the Start a Flow and the A Flow is Started to pass along arguments.
Mainly because all arguments in a actioncard are always mandatory.

So, if Athom changes the Start a flow Action card; which arguments types and how many would the have to implement?

That is what i did with HOOP.
Did you take a look at H.O.O.P. (Hope) - Examples - Tutorials - Homey Community Forum (athom.com)

In particulair : Method flow | Homey
This flow can be called with 2 text arguments.

Gedeelde Flow | Homey
Or this one, it has 3 texts and 1 boolean arguments

And unless i am mistaken; this is precisly what you want: creating and calling flows while passing arguments, reducing the need for multiple flows and solving the asynchronized issues default flows have.

If this is not what you meen (flows able to pass arguments), please explain (again) what it is you want; maybe i can build it into H.O.O.P…

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